Space Multiplication Repeated Addition Posters x2c

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About This Product

Space Multiplication Repeated Addition Posters x2c

A thoughtfully designed educational resource for grades 2 to 4, particularly suitable for mathematics topics such as addition, multiplication, and place value. This A4 posters set is a fantastic visual tool aiding in easier learning.

  • Vibrant and engaging: Space-themed posters with vibrant colors and space background imagery naturally draw children's attention while assisting them in understanding equations.
  • Suitable Size: The size of these posters allows it to be used with different math manipulatives like snap cubes or bricks, adding an interactive element to learning.

  • Diversity of Presentation

    This set consists of 12 informative cards or mats. Each mat displays the representation of a multiplication fact number with its factor in various formats:

    • An integrated format where the factor seamlessly fits within the fact number;
    • A neatly lined up factor at the bottom of each card;
    • A presentation offering part equations relevant to each specific fact.

    Promotion Of Efficient Learning

    Easier Sorting & Visual Cues: Different color codes have been utilized specifically for factors ranging from 1-10 which supports learners during lessons or revision sessions.

    Multifaceted application settings:

    This versatile tool can serve multiple functions:
      * As an individual studying aid; * For conducting small group activities; * Used as a ready reference point for whole classrooms .

    Versatile Usage Ideas:

    • Laminate them as flip-books for your learning centers.
    • Display them on bulletin boards reinforcing certain themes.
    • Use them during the visual explanation of word problems.
    Carefully Packaged Resource:

    This product is presented as an easy-to-manage 12-page PDF. The package includes pictorial explanations of multiplication facts and factors, supporting a wide variety of teaching strategies across elementary grades – all geared towards making math sessions more enjoyable!

What's Included

12 - page PDF resource with one type of pictorial explanation for multiplication FACTS and FACTORS , for your bulletin boards , your classroom walls , your screens and your custom made books .

Resource Tags

multiplication repeated addition posters space-themed visual tool

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