Spanish: Mis Primeras Oraciones Para Dormir para niños eBook

An educational teaching resource from Twin Sisters Digital Media entitled Spanish: Mis Primeras Oraciones Para Dormir para niños eBook downloadable at Teach Simple.
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Preschool, Grade 1, 2

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Product Description: Spanish: Mis Primeras Oraciones Para Dormir para niños eBook

A teaching resource that serves as a roadmap to religious and linguistic growth, the 'Spanish: Mis Primeras Oraciones Para Dormir para niños eBook' offers educators a delicate blend of spirituality and language learning for children. Designed specifically for Kindergarten through grade 2, this tool capitalizes on essential teachings in life studies and religion to stimulate young minds.

The eBook encapsulates a series of simple yet beautifully rhymed prayers etched over each page. An auspicious way to encourage youngsters into conversing with God before they retire each night. This resource looks beyond mere prayer teaching; it aims at instilling in young learners a routine of snuggling up, discussing, reflecting, and praying.


  • Straightforward Text: The beautiful artistry coupled with straightforward text ensures the children remain gripped by reading while making an effort to commit these thankfulness prayers memory.
  • Audio File Included: Accompanying this eBook is an audio file in the zip format which could prove very beneficial when engaging students collectively or individually - during class sessions or as homework assignments. It could especially benefit auditory learners who master concepts faster when paired with sounds.

Engagingly designed resources such as 'Mis Primeras Oraciones Para Dormir para niños' not only help establish consistent practices in students but also bring them closer to understanding their inner selves better at such tender ages alongside their academic studies—all aiding their development into well-rounded individuals early on.

This product delivers a valuable interactive tool to public school teachers and homeschoolers striving for unique, engaging ways to integrate spirituality and language practise into their teaching endeavors while aligning with modern learning techniques.

What's Included

1 zip file with book and audio

Resource Tags

Spanish prayers bedtime spirituality language learning oraciones para niños antes de dormir

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