Spring Reading Comprehension Color By Code

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About This Product

Students can learn about the Spring Equinox with two Reading Comprehension leveled passages and two color by code pictures, a wordsearch and a writing page!

Are you looking for a NO-PREP activity for spring? These two leveled reading comprehension nonfiction texts are between Lexile 450 and 750. The comprehension questions work for both passages. The color code works for both passages and on both pictures too!

Students will learn about the signs of spring They will learn when Spring Equinox occurs in the Northern Hemisphere. They will learn the meanings of the Latin words vernal and equinox. Students will infer why animals have babies in the spring.

➤Who this is for:

▶️High 1st grade readers

▶️2nd grade

▶️3rd grade

▶️4th grade

▶️Any age SLP students

Use this year after year in the spring for a fun academic activity. Your students are surely going to be engage until they complete every activity!

These activities may be completed individually, in pairs, or groups. Additionally, they can be placed in ELA centers!

➤What this resource includes:

  • ✅Two leveled reading passages

  • ✅Comprehension questions - includes low level and inference

  • ✅A color code based on the answers to the questions

  • ✅Two color by code pages - students choose or you choose

  • ✅A wordsearch based on the vocabulary in the texts

  • ✅A writing page so students can write their own special Valentine message.

  • ✅A teacher answer key

⭐Check out the preview images to see examples of what's included!⭐

If looking for similar resources, check out my store here!

CCSS Standards covered:

  • RI.2.1, RI.2.4, RI.2.5

  • RI.3.1, RI.3.4, RI.3.5

  • RI.4.1, RI.4.4

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What's Included

A PDF with 19 pages ready-to-print and use!

Resource Tags

spring reading comprehension spring equinox color by code comprehension passage informative text PDF reading worksheets reading passage spring

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