Storytelling: Nursery Stories & Songs Gr. K

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About This Product

Storytelling: Nursery Stories & Songs Gr. K provides an interactive platform for educators in different settings, like public schools or homeschooling, looking to enhance their language arts pedagogy. It's designed to engage early learners with a sturdy foundation in reading and language arts.

Nursery Stories and Songs Included:

  • The Magic Perogy Pot
  • The Little Red Hen
  • The Gingerbread Man
  • Songs like The Farmer In The Dell and Eensie Weensie Spider

This teaching resource comes with storytelling props that will provide long-term value to your classroom. These adaptations of well-known nursery stories and songs breathe fun into story time.

Easy Integration:

You can effortlessly incorporate these materials into your lesson plan. Included are pictures for each story or song that can be colored and assembled before storytelling sessions. Designed intentionally to be interactive, it encourages children's retelling of the stories using these animated visual aids on flannel or magnet boards.

About the Product:

  1. Name: Storytelling: Nursery Stories & Songs Gr.K
    li>Total Pages: 30 ready-to-print pages packed into a single PDF file accessible at (under Lesson Plans) br/> i>Included Material: "How to Assemble") along with practical insights for implementation ("Telling the Stories") accompanied within.
    This product not only meets curriculum objectives but also improves student interaction during lessons. Whether used in large groups or smaller, more intimate settings adjusted based on the context of the class, it provokes student participation.

    It is user-friendly and built for ease-of-use without compromising on providing educational innovation to improve young learner outcomes in structured schools environments as well as homeschool setups. This encourages learning that goes beyond traditional textbook structures.

What's Included

1 PDF with 30 ready to print pages

Resource Tags

Brown Bear reading stories reading classics big books nursery rhymes

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