Subtracting Fractions - Problem Tickets

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Grade 4, 5, 6, 7





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Product Title: Subtracting Fractions - Problem Tickets

Subtracting Fractions - Problem Tickets is a comprehensive teaching aid designed to complement subtraction lessons for grades 4 to 7. This useful educational tool eliminates the tedium associated with learning fractions and turns it into an engaging practice session that students look forward to.

The product is thoughtfully divided into different problem sets, each adding a layer of complexity as students gain confidence in their abilities. The simple green border that features on these Fraction Problem Tickets is symbolic of the subtraction operation found in standard Montessori math materials.

  • Problems #1-9: Students start off with subtracting simple fractions having identical denominators, compatible with Montessori metal fraction insets or fraction circles. Answers are kept unreduced at this stage assuming that the concept of reducing fractions has not yet been introduced.
  • Problems #10-18/19-27: They then progress onto practical applications involving subtracting fractions with differing denominators for either minuend or subtrahend and eventually both.
  • Problems #28-36: Finally, they engage in more complex tasks requiring dedication towards subtracting mixed numbers requiring changes on both minuend as well as subtrahend.

This resource includes an Answer Key, and Recording Sheets. To cater to different needs these materials can be printed then cut out individually or used whole after being laminated; whole sheets double up as problem sets offering differentiation possibilities. After delivering lessons teachers distribute selected tickets encouraging independent follow-ups thereby strengthening student's autonomous learning spirits.

An interesting aspect of this resource lies its capacity to be used by casually tossing cut up tickets into a basket, this turns it into part of a math activity center where learners exercise choice determining which problems they want to tackle. Enriching the learning experience with decision-making challenges while encouraging more active participation in the process.

Subtracting Fractions - Problem Tickets is an indispensable asset for all educators aiming at simplifying fraction subtraction teaching, and making learning an interactive and enjoyable experience for their students.

Resource Tags

subtracting fractions math education problem-solving fraction subtraction interactive learning

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