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Think it or Say it? Boom Cards With Audio

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Life Skills


Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, 3



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About This Product

Title: Think it or Say it? Boom Cards With Audio

The product in focus provides an engaging tool for teaching students an essential life skill - discernment between thoughts and spoken words. This resource comprises a playing deck of 25 cards, tailor-made to instigate the learning process.

Students work their way through this card deck by clicking on two distinct symbols - a mouth signifying words that can be shared aloud, while a brain hints at thoughts meant to stay private. Such intuitive visuals make interaction interesting for the children while educating them on distinguishing between ideas best expressed and those better left unsaid.

Further providing support in understanding are pictures accompanying most cards; however, some reading remains integral to complete comprehension of each scenario dealt with. To pare down any probable difficulties kids may face in accessing this repository of interactive lessons, all they need to do is click the link provided within the easy-to-use PDF document.

Suggested Further Lessons:
  • As educators keen on providing students with active learning tools that foster individual growth at every step of their educational journey, consider extending these lessons further with another related product which complements these concepts nicely- including activities like Cut-Sort-Glue for deeper engagement.
Premium Account & Free Trial:
  • To unlock all features offered by this educational resource and track student progress efficiently, it is advised to opt-in for a premium account. Don't shy away if you haven't tried out such resources yet! There's no time like now to explore new avenues of imparting education — Boom Learning offers first-time users a free trial run.

This digital tool is suitable as:

  1. Full-class instruction
  2. Focused group activity
  3. Homework reinforcement
  4. Interactive activity sheets fostering better communication skills.

An Internet-connected device like Android tablets/phones, iPads/iPhones, Kindle Fire and access to modern browsers will be all that students need at their end. Adults, of course, also need to maintain a Boom Learning account for setting up and assigning tasks.

Explore this unique tool designed exclusively with the current technological environment in mind for breeding responsible digital citizens who can discriminate between proper public discourse and confidential thoughts!

What's Included

A PDF with a paid link embedded in the image.

Resource Tags

Boom Cards Audio Discernment Communication skills Digital citizenship

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