Think It Or Say It-- Interactive Impulse Control Activity For The Classroom
About This Product
Are you looking for a way to practice self control with your students? This is the perfect impulse control activity you need for your groups, push-in sessions, and SEL morning meetings! This think it or say it activity is perfect for kids (or classrooms as a whole) who struggle with following classroom rules, or even struggle with social skills. This paddle activity includes DIY paddles for each student and a prompt sheet with things that kids might say.
Students are then instructed to hold up a paddle if that was something they should say or keep in their head! If you are doing individual lessons, take turns saying the prompts and answering and seeing if the students can catch your mistakes or wins! This activity is perfect for early elementary students, students that struggle with appropriate social skills, and students who struggle with blurting out. If you are using this activity as a whole class lesson, you can have them use white boards to answer the prompts with a thought bubble or a mouth as their answer!
Ideas for Use;
⭐Push-In Lessons
⭐Group Lessons
⭐For students who struggle with blurting in class
⭐Students that may struggle with kind words
What's Included
Prompt List
Say It Worksheet
Think it worksheet