Three in a Row Addition and Subtraction Game

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About This Product

Three in a Row Addition and Subtraction Game: An Innovative Learning Experience

Three in a Row Addition and Subtraction Game is an educational resource designed to provide a fun, interactive learning experience for students from kindergarten through 2nd grade. The game focuses on the fundamental aspects of early numeracy - addition, and subtraction.

Merging amusement with education, this learning tool challenges students to be the first one to get three numbers in a row. Players use different colored markers and spin the spinner twice on their turns (using paper clips). They add or subtract these spun numbers and cross out the result on their game board.

Customizable Learning

  • This resource offers customization based on student abilities with its provision of three different game boards and spinners.
  • The unique spinners deal with number ranges between 0-6, 0-9, or up to 0-10; this variation provides significant leeway for differentiation.

Diverse Teaching Modes

The tool can be creatively used:

  1. In whole group activities for collective learning experiences coherently integrated within class sessions,
  2. In small groups broken down by ability levels,
  3. Note:This mode particularly acts as an avenue for targeted instruction.
  4. As homework assignments that children can practice independently, In which case, the fun element also enables them to engage family members at home while practicing math fundamentals skills!
About Resource Accessibility:
The game is available as an easily printable six-page PDF document.

In Summary,

The Three In A Row Addition And Subtraction Game marks an exciting blend of entertainment & education simplifying math concepts while nurturing healthy competition among learners. Comprehending addition & subtraction comes alive amidst the thrill, aiding your pupils to seamlessly acquire integral skills crucial for their early-grade academics!

What's Included

A 6 page printable PDF

Resource Tags

addition subtraction educational resource interactive learning numeracy

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