Transportation: Planes, Trains & Automobiles Gr. 1
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Transportation: Planes, Trains & Automobiles Gr. 1
A comprehensive teaching resource designed to introduce grade 1 students to various modes of transportation. This two-week Social Studies/Language Arts unit is equipped with engaging and easy-to-understand informational passages.
- Scooters
- Wagons
- Bicycles
- Automobiles
- Trains
- Busses
- Boats
- Rroller Blades, Add a li tag for roller blades here
Airplanes,iiffices" Ultra PerioA_POLICED">Planes>/a ""/fonttagctivePogo Sticks/Auaddhasis tbanels fill cateringcuriosity of young learners".
P/h4sbilttchers will have the oppord dueOkJR "/marketing site word vocabulary?This educational resource comes bundled with numerous activities such as:
- ""
"Iindibidual word cards for enriching vocabulary competence"
/p>The product being a PDF file format does not allow inputting answers directly on device but it can easily be printed out for assignments.
/pVery detrinstruchsbration'].'/er planning workload on essenrs Instructionucchlpul Educo parents creating optimal (p)
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Contains 1 Product File
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