Unicorn classroom decoration number posters
About This Product
Unicorn classroom decoration number Posters is five different sets of number poster using different designs and borders. Some of these posters have ten frames to go with the numbers or posters without ten frames. This magical classroom decoration will peak students interest as it is engaging and appealing to the eye. This decoration was inspired by unicorns using magical colors as well as a few unicorns. Building classroom community is very important especially from the beginning of the year.
The objective of this wonderful decoration is to allow for teachers to design and create their own classrooms, to make their vision for their classroom come alive. Classroom decoration is important as it creates a sense of classroom community as well as classroom management. This resource will appeal to your students visually and allow for them to have a friendly reminder of the alphabet while allowing you to chose from different designs.
This content is created for PreK-4, pick and choose the design you would like to use, print and laminate to place on your walls, windows or bulletin boards.
This file is in the format of a PDF.
Number posters: 5 different designs
Different sizes: A4 and A5
Number of pages 196