Using Angle Pairs in Statements and Diagrams- 3 practice sheets
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This file contains three practice sheets for 7th grade math students to use their knowledge of angle pairs to answer questions and to solve for unknown angles. The angle pairs covered are adjacent angles, linear pairs of angles, vertical angles, complementary angles and supplementary angles. Students must also use their knowledge of right angles. Sheet one has 17 questions where students are given two intersecting lines and students are asked to solve problems using their knowledge of vertical angles and linear pairs. Sheet two gives students 8 diagrams which are more complex and they are asked to solve for unknowns using more than one fact about angle pairs so students must use higher order thinking. Sheet three has 9 diagrams which are also complex and asks students to use higher order thinking. Diagrams inlcude triangles, intersectng lines, adjacent angles, and right angles. The answer keys are included for all 3 sheets.