Westward Expansion Reading Packet + Distance Learning
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Westward Expansion Reading Packet + Distance Learning
This informative Westward Expansion reading packet allows students to dive deeper into 19th century American history through engaging passages and vocabulary building. Educators can utilize the reading selections and accompanying assessments in flexible ways - for whole class instruction, small group work, or independent practice. The multiple-choice questions and graphic organizers let students showcase comprehension, while distance learning options make this resource accessible at home. Answer keys are provided for teacher reference. This social studies supplement works well integrated into reading lessons or history units for grade 4 students. The content aims to spark student interest in the pioneering spirit of early American settlers.
What's Included
1 PDF with 12 ready to print pages
2 Google slides links
Resource Tags
Louisiana Purchase
Westward Expansion
reading packet
distance learning
westward expansion worksheet middle school
westward expansion lesson plans middle school
westward expansion reading comprehension worksheets
westward expansion worksheets
westward expansion worksheet
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