U.S. History: Manifest Destiny & Westward Expansion

An educational teaching resource from Learning is a Passion entitled U.S. History: Manifest Destiny & Westward Expansion downloadable at Teach Simple.
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U.S. History: Manifest Destiny & Westward Expansion

Explore Westward Expansion & Manifest Destiny with this 4-activity (40-page) U.S. History: Manifest Destiny & Westward Expansion resource. Choose to use them all, or select the ones that best fit your classroom needs!

Included Activities:

  1. Kick-off Activity: Students watch a brief video, read a John O'Sullivan excerpt, and study a timeline/graphic on Westward Expansion/Manifest Destiny, answering related comprehension questions.

  2. Painting Dive-in: Using the "American Progress" painting, students will respond to the CLUE questions, exploring its representation of Manifest Destiny.

  3. Mapping Expansion: Students will delve into short summaries and reference maps, understanding how America acquired its territories. They'll then label and color-code their map.

  4. Extension Through Stories: Students will read a 1864 pioneer's diary, gaining insights into the challenges of westward movement. They'll illustrate their understanding of these events in a creative manner.

**Both GOOGLE and traditional paper-based versions are included!

About "Learning is a Passion Store": Over two decades, teaching 6th-12th graders, my pedagogy revolves around student-led learning. Instead of passive learners, I strive to make students active participants. My store is dedicated to interactive and engaging activities in U.S. and World History. Dive in for more enriching resources!

Resource Tags

westward expanion manifest destiny oregon trail Louisiana purchase territories

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