What's That Smell?: A Unit on Your Senses

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Grade 1, 2



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About This Product

What's That Smell?: A Unit on Your Senses

This is an interactive, informative teaching resource designed to stimulate curiosity about the incredible world of human senses. It is crafted specifically for Grade 1 and Grade 2 students.

The focus of this lesson plan dwells into the five most foundational ways we perceive our surroundings – namely, sight, touch, sound, taste and smell.

About The Lesson

The crux of this unit is a comprehensive nonfiction article that elucidates how each sense operates in simple language fit for novice learners. This resource spotlights the utmost importance of our senses as these are our windows to connect with our environment in diverse yet interconnected manners.

Moving Beyond Conventional Knowledge Grabbing Approach

To assure learning about these essential body functions isn't limiting or mundane; along with furnishing theoretical grounding through its nonfiction article aspect; it incorporates creative exercises and fill-outs.

  • Creative activities: These enjoyable tasks offer a hands-on approach while sticking to emphasizing reinforcement of demonstrated principles. They catch not only auditory learners but also those who absorb best via doing.
  • Educational versatility: A PDF file available at your disposal for customized use; applicable either for whole group instruction sessions during live classes or small break-out group engagements post-lectures. Quite versatile indeed!
  • Homework assignments:The option is there even for assigning chosen sections as insightful home assignments- inducing value-added self-study habits amongst students!

What's Included

Contains 1 Product File

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