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Free Science Interactive Hangman Game / Chemical Reaction Vocabulary
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Free Science Interactive Hangman Game / Chemical Reaction Vocabulary
Science, Chemistry, Physics, Grade 7, Games, Activities

Chemical Reaction Vocabulary Science Game for 7th Grade This interactive hangman game teaches and reviews key 7th grade science vocabulary related to chemical reactions. Students will learn characteristics and importance of concepts like endothermic, precipitate, catalysis, chemical equation, and more. The game provides a fun way for students to build chemistry vocabulary and reinforce learning. It can be used for whole group instruction, small groups, individual review, or even as a homework assignment. With engaging visuals and built-in reviews, the PowerPoint allows students to practice pronunciation, increase concentration, and expand scientific understanding. This vocabulary hangman game is part of a larger collection of Spanish language learning activities spanning kindergarten through 5th grade. Additional resources help build literacy, math, and social skills across elementary grades.

Author ShapeUp-N-Matematicas y Lenguaje

Tags Chemical Reaction, Chemistry, Periodic Table, Elements, Matter, Properties Of Matter, Small Or Whole Group, Interactive Activity, Science Vocabulary, Games

Free Science Chemical Reaction Interactive Vocabulary Review Activity
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Free Science Chemical Reaction Interactive Vocabulary Review Activity
Science, Basic Science, Life Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Grade 7, Activities, Experiments, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans

Free Science Chemical Reaction Vocabulary Review for Grade 7 This interactive PowerPoint teaches and reviews key vocabulary words related to chemical reactions in grade 7 science. It covers concepts like characteristics and the importance of chemical reactions. The presentation features a multiple choice review activity to assess understanding. Students select a letter and the answer is revealed. If incorrect, the answer is marked with an X until the right selection is made. The activity is visual, interactive, and engaging for whole group or independent practice. It's perfect for remote learning. After reviewing the 29 slides, students will have learned and reinforced seventh grade science vocabulary on chemical reactions. The activity is part of a series from ShapeUp-N-Matematicas y Lenguaje focused on middle grades science and Spanish language arts.

Author ShapeUp-N-Matematicas y Lenguaje

Tags Chemical Reaction, Periodic Table, Chemical Structure, Boiling Point, Freezing Point, Endothermic Reaction, Exothermic Reaction, Small Or Whole Group, Interactive Activity, Games

Free Science Interactive Memory Game / Chemical Reaction Vocabulary
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Free Science Interactive Memory Game / Chemical Reaction Vocabulary
Science, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Earth Sciences, Grade 7, Games, Activities

Chemical Reactions Memory Game for Science Class This grade 7 science resource covers chemical reactions vocabulary through an interactive PowerPoint memory card game. Students will learn, practice, and review 13 key terms related to 7th grade chemistry experiments . The game builds visual memory, concentration, brain activity, and cognitive skills. Use it for individual practice or whole class. Instructions guide students to match pairs of cards. Correct matches stay face up, while incorrect guesses flip back over. Play repeats until all cards are matched. Other middle school science vocabulary games in our store cover topics like geometry shapes, geography, plants, animals, and more to reinforce lessons. This specific chemical reactions matching game includes visuals and definitions for concepts like reactants, products, catalysts, synthesis, decomposition, and single & double replacement.

Author ShapeUp-N-Matematicas y Lenguaje

Tags Chemical Reaction, Periodic Table, Freezing Point, Boiling Point, Endothermic Reaction, Exothermic Reaction, Small Or Whole Grou[, Interactive Activity, Games, Chemistry

Atoms, Elements, and the Periodic Table Crossword Puzzle Activity

Atoms, Elements, and the Periodic Table Crossword Puzzle Activity
Science, Chemistry, Grade 8, 9, 10, 11, Crosswords Puzzles, Worksheets, Worksheets & Printables

This activity is a fantastic way to review Atoms, Elements, and the Periodic Table with your students. It covers multiple standards and concepts within Atoms, Elements, and the Periodic Table and comes in two different forms. The first is a basic crossword with a set of 15 clues. The second option includes a word bank where students can match the answers to the questions. I've used these crossword puzzles in my classroom to great success and have found that my students really enjoy completing them. It can be used as: straight review of Atoms, Elements, and the Periodic Table additional work for those who finish early bonus activity introduction to tectonic plates if you allow your students access to a device to help them get the answers This activity can be used for students in middle and high school, individually or in a group. In class or at home. It comes in Word and PDF formats and can also be uploaded to your Google Drive for easy access.

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Crossword Puzzle, Science Crossword, Crossword Review, Atoms, Elements, Periodic Table

Crossword Puzzle: Periodic Table of Elements (1)

Crossword Puzzle: Periodic Table of Elements (1)
Science, Chemistry, Grade 11, Crosswords Puzzles, Worksheets, Worksheets & Printables

Crossword Puzzle: Periodic Table of Elements (1) This Crossword Puzzle: Periodic Table of Elements (1) is a great puzzle that can help your students learn more vocabulary about The Periodic Table of Elements. This is a great activity for early finishers or just for something fun to take home and enjoy. The word search includes a total of 20 Elements by their initials. Your students are surely going to be challenged with this activity! They need to complete the puzzle with the actual name of each element. This Crossword Puzzle: Periodic Table of Elements (1) may be used for middle school students, substitute teachers' folder, no prep morning work, homework, lesson plan supplement, virtual classroom, vocabulary learning, party game, project or unit supplement, distance learning, brain break, or after testing fun. This Crossword Puzzle: Periodic Table of Elements (1) was designed for 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students. It can additionally be used as center activity. This word search may be completed individually, in pairs, or small groups of students or during the whole class activity. We guarantee you the highest quality word finds, cryptograms, Sudoku and number puzzles available, animals name, etc. Keep checking my store as more resources are coming!