Free Science Chemical Reaction Interactive Vocabulary Review Activity

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Free Science Chemical Reaction Vocabulary Review for Grade 7 This interactive PowerPoint teaches and reviews key vocabulary words related to chemical reactions in grade 7 science. It covers concepts like characteristics and the importance of chemical reactions. The presentation features a multiple choice review activity to assess understanding. Students select a letter and the answer is revealed. If incorrect, the answer is marked with an X until the right selection is made. The activity is visual, interactive, and engaging for whole group or independent practice. It's perfect for remote learning. After reviewing the 29 slides, students will have learned and reinforced seventh grade science vocabulary on chemical reactions. The activity is part of a series from ShapeUp-N-Matematicas y Lenguaje focused on middle grades science and Spanish language arts.

Resource Tags

Chemical Reaction periodic table chemical structure boiling point freezing point endothermic reaction exothermic reaction small or whole group interactive activity games

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