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Page 9 - 7th Grade Worksheets
Provide your seventh-grade students with worksheets that delve deeper into subjects and promote complex thinking. These resources support skill development and prepare students for higher-level concepts. Use them to reinforce learning and encourage academic excellence.
Write A Persuasive Article With An Environmental Theme (9-14 years)
ELA, Writing, Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
Write A Persuasive Article With An Environmental Theme (9-14 years) Students explore persuasive writing and improve literacy skills with this complete resource pack. Pack includes sample writings on environmental themes to inspire students' own persuasive articles, letters, brochures, and more. Lessons teach literary devices like emotive language, varied sentences, and good spelling, punctuation and grammar. With model student essays, practice questions to test skills, and tips to help students succeed on assignments. Useful for teachers or parents looking for a writing curriculum, supplemental practice, or homework help in grades 4-7 language arts. Can be used flexibly for whole-class, small group, or individual assignments. Engages students to build persuasive writing abilities.
Author Guinea Pig Education
Tags Persuasive Writing, Letter, Article, Persuasive Techniques, Emotive Language
Friendship Or Frenemy SEL Quiz Show With A Printable Handout
Special Resources, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets, Worksheets & Printables
The Friendship Or Frenemy SEL Quiz Show & Printable Handout An engaging and enjoyable educational tool designed for students in grades 4 to 9. This resource predominantly focuses on Social Emotional Learning (SEL) by helping learners understand the nuanced differences between real friends and so-called 'frenemies'. The Resource Overview This teaching resource comprises a comprehensive 53-slide PowerPoint presentation along with a printable handout . The PowerPoint encompasses five distinct categories: True or False, Act It Out, Focus on Friendship, Perspective Taking, and Body Language (based on real people's expressions), F Apart from those, there is also an entertaining section called 'Just For Fun' . 'Just For Fun' Details This category includes word riddles associated with friendship themes as well as intriguing optical illusions that foster critical thinking skills among students. About the Handout The printable handout goes into detail about the attributes of genuine friends versus frenemies. It also features coloring activities involving friendly monsters to make learning fun. Note-worthy Feature: All questions within the presentation are hyperlinked interactively; when answered, it changes color indicating which ones have been attended--a useful feature for classroom management. Suggested Usage: Prioritize discussing elements presented in the handout—this approach will familiarize learners about key concepts involved while fostering interactive discussions around friendship. It serves as a thought-provoking group activity during school hours or an insightful assignment at home depending on your teaching style! Based on Microsoft PowerPoint format for easy usability across various platforms. The resource, although fun-filled, provides social insights crucial for student growth making it not just entertaining but educational!
Author Jennifer Moyer Taylor
Tags Friendship, Frenemy, SEL, Quiz Show, Handout
Thunderstorms – Science Reading Article - Grades 5-7
Science, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Environmental Science, Grade 5, 6, 7, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
Thunderstorms - Fully editable, Science Reading Activity - Disciplinary Literacy for Grades 5-7 (ages 10-12) as well as older students with lower developed learning levels. Tackle literacy and science by having your students read and answer questions from a scientific article. Questions include knowledge (direct from the paper), thinking, connecting and open-ended varieties. The reading looks at: - What is a thunderstorm? - What causes thunderstorms? - What is thunder? - What is lightning? - How do electrical charges form? Google Classroom and Distance Learning Ready This resource is perfect for in-class or distance learning and integrates seamlessly with Google Classroom. Automatically creates a copy of the reading and puts it directly into your Google Drive with a single click. Purchase --> Open --> Click --> Assign to your students The reading also includes a Microsoft Word and PDF version. Having all three options allow you to assign the reading to your students without worrying about formatting issues as all the work has already been done for you. It also allows you, as well as your students , to access everything no matter where you are or what kind of equipment is being used. -------------------------------------------------- This resource will take your students between 40-60 minutes to complete and includes a variety of questions. An answer key is also included for your reference. --------------------------------------------------- The Problems You Face - Not having the time to properly teach scientific literacy (disciplinary literacy) or improve your students reading comprehension and analysis skills. - Some students work faster than others and you would like an interesting extension activity for your faster-moving students to keep them learning and engaged. The Solution This fully editable, NO PREP reading comprehension article is composed of relevant, applicable, and engaging reading activities which can be used to: • introduce your topic • improve your student's literacy skills • improve your students reading comprehension and scientific literacy skills • improve your students' analysis skills • provide an extension activity to students who move at a faster pace • provide extra credit to students in need • measure your student's literacy skills Furthermore, this resource works very well as an emergency substitute plan as it will keep your students on task and focused while you are away. This resource will take your students between 30-60 minutes to complete and includes a variety of questions. An answer key is also included for your reference. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Health and Wellbeing • Concussions • The Common Cold • Allergies • Cancer • Viruses • The Cardiovascular System • Vaccines • Blood Types • The Nervous System • Asthma and Asthma Attacks • Acne • Immune System – Your Body’s Police Force • Fracking and Its Dangers • The Measles • Stem Cells • The Flu • How Protective Equipment Keeps You Safe • Caffeine: The Elixir of Energy • Exercise and its Importance for Health • Smallpox • HIV and AIDS • Polio • Effects of stress on the brain • Pesticides • Whooping Cough • Genetics and Gene Therapy • Down Syndrome • Cystic Fibrosis • Heart Disease • Heart Attack and Stroke • Multiple Sclerosis • Laser Eye Surgery • Muscle Growth • Diabetes Ecology • Biomes • Invasive Species • Urban Sprawl • Food Webs • Why Leaves Change Color In The Fall • The Effects of Pollution • Endangered Species • Animal Adaptations • Biodiversity • The Water Cycle • The Seasons and What Causes Them • Nocturnal Animals • Climate Change • Oil Spills and Their Consequences • Farming – Is Organic Really Better? • Fracking and Its Dangers • Why Bees Are Important • Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification • Ecosystems • Mosquitoes And The Diseases They Spread • Predator-Prey Relationship • Physical Adaptations • Watersheds Chemistry • The Chemistry of Cooking • Water Softeners • Chemistry of Dyeing Hair • Smog • Ocean Acidification • Pollution Control Devices • The Greenhouse Effect • Cleaning up Acid Spills • Rustproofing • Chemistry of Cosmetics Physics • Energy Use and Conservation • Wind Energy Production • Hydroelectric Energy Production • Solar Electricity Production • Fossil Fuel Energy Production • Nuclear Energy - Fission and Fusion • The Science of Roller Coasters • Optical Phenomena • The Northern and Southern Lights • Car Safety • Hydraulics • Simple Machines Natural Disasters and Weather • Earthquakes • Hurricanes • Tornadoes • How Weather Works • Lightning • Thunderstorms • Why The Wind Blows • Climate Change • Volcanoes • Tsunamis • Natural Disasters: Weather and Climate • Natural Disasters: Earth, Water, and Space General Sciences • Making Food Using Fermentation • Why is the Sky Blue? • The Limitations of Space Travel • Artificial Preservatives • Plate Tectonics • How Do Ships Float? • Effects of Everyday Forces • The Planets Of Our Solar System • Fossils Biology • Genetically Modified Organisms • Twins - Identical and Fraternal • The Importance of Bats • Predator-Prey Relationship Each summary is rich with age-appropriate content (grades 5-7) and is 1-3 pages long (13-font). Following each are 5-8 questions along with the answer key, which will help guide your students understanding. The questions include information-based questions straight from the article as well as more open-ended thinking questions that provide an extension for learning. How this product will help your students: Improve their scientific and disciplinary literacy skills Improve their reading comprehension and scientific knowledge Give them insights into important scientific concepts Provide an extension activity for your faster moving/more gifted students How this product will help you: Allow you to meet the NGSS, TEKS and Common Core Standards Provide you with a concise introduction to your topic Provide you with an engaging and easy-to-leave substitute plan which will keep your students engaged and on task Provide you a means of measuring your students' literacy skills We don't spend enough time teaching scientific literacy to our students. This is either because we don't have the resources to do so effectively or we don't have the time. However, teaching our students to become scientifically literate is vital if we want them to succeed in life. We need them to know about the world they live in and about the issues they face Also, please visit my blog Teach Science With Fergy for my thoughts on teaching, learning, and everything in between.
Author Teach With Fergy
Tags Thunderstorms Printables, Thunderstorms Worksheets, Reading Articles, Science Articles, Weather Passages
Grammar: Types of Sentences: Simple, Compound, Complex
ELA, Grammar, Strategies, Writing, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
This 10 page package has all the information you need to teach your middle school or high school students about grammar and sentence writing . It starts off with a review of the parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc) and the two kinds of conjunctions (coordinating and subordinating). Students are tasked with thinking of examples for each part of speech. Next, subjects and predicates and independent and dependent clauses are reviewed. Did you know you can have a subject and a predicate, but it isn't a complete sentence? That's a dependent clause! There are a variety of practice activities for students to work on to master this information before moving on to types of sentences. Four types of sentences are introduced: simple, complex, compound, and compound-complex . Colour-coding is used to high-light the salient parts of speech that help identify each kind of sentence, but the pages can of course be printed in black and white as well. Another page of practice activities follows to help reinforce these new ideas. Finally, students are tasked with writing a brief newspaper article about an exciting topic (there are six choices and you can add more of your own too). They need to included at least one of each type of sentence and colour-code them to show their identification skills. A complete answer key for all of the worksheets is also included. If you enjoy this lesson, check out some of my other writing options: No PREP Novel Study for ANY Novel Reading Response Graphic Organizer 5 Paragraph Persuasive Essays Structured Paragraphs: Topic, Concrete Detail, Commentary
Author Grace Under Pressure
Tags Sentences, Parts Of Speech, Clauses, Subject And Predicate, Grammar, Sentence, Nouns, Compound Sentence, Complex Sentence, Sentence Writing, Simple Compound Complex Sentence Worksheet, Types Of Sentences Compound Complex Simple, Compound And Simple Sentences, Types Of Sentences Quiz Simple, Compound, Complex, Types Of Sentences Simple, Types Of Sentences Compound, Types Of Compound Sentences, Simple Compound Complex And Compound-complex Sentences Worksheet, Simple, Compound, Complex, And Compound-complex Sentences, Grammar Types Of Sentences, Simple Compound And Complex Sentences Worksheet With Answer Key Pdf, Complex Sentence Identification, What Are Simple Complex And Compound Sentences, Types Of Sentences Compound Complex, Simple, Compound And Complex Sentences Worksheets, Compound Complex And Simple Sentences, Types Of Sentences Simple Compound And Complex, Compound Complex Sentences Games, Compound Complex And Simple Sentences Worksheets, Sentence Types Simple Compound Complex And Compound-complex, Compound Sentence Worksheets 5th Grade, Compound Sentence And Complex Sentence, Simple Compound Sentences Worksheet, Sentence Types Practice Worksheet, Simple Compound Complex And Compound Complex Sentences Practice, Simple Compound And Complex, Simple Compound Complex Compound Complex, Complex Sentences Worksheets 5th Grade, Sentence Types Simple Compound Complex, Simple Complex Compound Sentences Worksheet, Simple Complex Related, Compound Simple Complex Sentences, Types Of Sentences Simple Compound Complex, What Is A Simple Compound, Compound Sentences Worksheets 5th Grade, Simple Or Compound Sentence Worksheet, Types Of Sentences Simple Compound Complex Compound-complex, Simple Compound Complex Compound Complex Sentences Worksheet, Compound Complex Sentence Practice, Simple And Compound Sentences Worksheets 7th Grade, Simple Complex And Compound Sentences Worksheet, Simple Compound And Complex Sentences Worksheet
Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 2 (Word)
ELA, Reading, Reading Comprehension, Common Core, Writing, Spelling, Language Development, Vocabulary, ESL, Strategies, Grade 6, 7, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Assessments, Teacher Tools, Quizzes and Tests, Tests
Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 2 Overview Reading comprehension lessons, especially written for Grade 6-7, providing the chance to read interesting and engaging passages. Each lesson has a mix of questions to check understanding, a vocabulary or spelling activity to help remember key language introduced, and a writing exercise. Full answer keys are provided. Passages Include 1.Cooking Camp: Jason tries to make enough money to go to cookery camp. 2.Graduation: Matt helps prepare for his brother's graduation party. 3.No Internet- Sam and Klara discuss life in the past with their gran. 4.School Musical: Maiya and her concerns about the school musical. 5.My Key: Jon has the house to himself for once. Does he enjoy it though? 6.Creepy Well: Jo and some kids from school at a creepy well. 7.Bug Trip: The twins are driving Dad crazy with their science project. 8.Solo Flight: Sid gets his first solo flight in bizarre circumstances. 9.Summer at Gran's: Andrea trying to make the best of her time at Gran's. 10.Wild Wild West: Alec on the ranch with his dad. 11.Danger Mountain: Nath tries a dangerous ride down the mountain. 12.Math Queen: Rhonda doing her best at the Math competition. Word Version This is the Word editable version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. Grade 6/7 Links Fiction Set 1 Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Fiction Set 2 Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Nonfiction Set 1 Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Nonfiction Set 2 Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 6/7 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. The majority of these short stories contain an important message - a way of developing these young learners further. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of five to six comprehension, vocabulary and Math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Mixed questions require a written response (no MCQ's), full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 6/7 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. Activities provide clues to help assist students. Vocabulary activities include extra questions where students must write a synonym, an antonym or a sentence using a certain word. Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. The main focus in this product, is the student. Prompts will require the student to relate to past experiences and encourage them to discuss feelings and ways to improve. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, Math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.
Author Cored Education
Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing, Passages
Operant and Classical Conditioning (Slides, Class Activity, Worksheets, Videos)
Social Studies, History, Psychology, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Worksheets, Worksheets & Printables
Understanding Psychological Conditioning Made Easy\nThis comprehensive 24-page teaching resource on operant and classical conditioning facilitates student learning through visually engaging slides , an introductory activity, embedded videos, and takeaway worksheets. Students will gain essential knowledge of key conditioning concepts like positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, negative punishment, antecedents, behaviors, consequences, and real-world examples. The informative slides use graphics and examples to clearly explain each concept in a student-friendly way. The introductory activity lets students apply their understanding, while the embedded videos further solidify learning. Finally, the student notes worksheets allow learners to document key takeaways for future studying. Together, these materials create an impactful learning experience that caters to different learning styles. Any educator aiming to effectively teach conditioning principles will find this resource invaluable.
Author Ed Dynamic
Tags Conditioning, Operant, Classical, Psychology, Learning
Country Study on Poland - Snakes and Ladders Board Game PDF Printable
Social Studies, Geography, History, History: Europe, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Worksheets, Worksheets & Printables
Country Study on Poland - Snakes and Ladders Board Game PDF Printable This Teaching Resource is a PDF Board game (Snakes and Ladders; 3 slides) on Poland (Europe). This Printable Resource can be great for Geography, European History and Social Studies Classes. Suitable Learners for this kind of lesson are students from 7th Grade to 12th Grade. This Geography + Social Studies game on Poland (Country Study) aims to test learners on their knowledge on Poland and Polish Culture (naming 4 Polish cities, telling about 3 history events, telling about your pawn's character, telling about Famous Polish individuals or telling what you would like to visit if you had to go to Poland). Some preparation on Poland, Polish Culture and History can be useful for this Social Studies Activity. Within this amazing Country Study on Poland (Europe) board game (snakes and ladders; 3 PDF Printable slides) it is offered: 1 board with questions and Speaking Prompts (ex. naming Polish Cities or telling about Poland's history events such as the Warsaw Uprising, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Solidarność etc) 1 Printable Craft Die with numbers written 1 Printable Craft cone to make Game Pawns to play 5 Famous People from Poland such as (Nicolaus Copernicus, Joseph Conrad, Fryderyk Chopin, Maria Skłodowska Curie etc.) to stick on the players' printable craft cone This amazing and fun Social Studies + Geography Country Study on Poland (Europe) PDF Digital Teaching Resource (3 PDF Printable Slides) can be great for learners from 7th grade to 12th grade to test Poland and Polish Culture. Learning with Alan is a Brand New Teaching Resource, Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating environment. Never Forget! If you want to browse more of my Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan
Author Learning with Alan
Tags Poland, Europe, European History, Geography, Social Studies, Country Study, Snakes And Ladders, Board Game, Printable, Game
Ancient Indian Geography Interactive Notebook
Social Studies, Geography, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
The Ancient Indian Geography Interactive Notebook engages middle school students with various activities to help them learn about the geography, climate, and farming of ancient India. Students will find reading sheets that provide informative facts in a straightforward manner best suited for grades 7-8. The notebook contains short question sheets to assess understanding, along with element sheets and images to bring interactive learning to life. Teachers can utilize the PowerPoint presentation to guide students through lessons in this comprehensive unit. Whether for whole class, small groups, or individual work, this informative and concise resource equips students to master concepts related to ancient Indian geography.
Author Mr Gray History
Tags Ancient Indian, Geography Notebook, Interactive Notebook, India, Geography, Farming Lesson, Climate Lesson
Mean, Median, Range, Mode Posters and Worksheets
Math, Graphing, Patterns, Statistics, Numbers, Grade 6, 7, 8, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
Mean, Median, Range, Mode Posters and Worksheets What does it mean to find the mean, median, range, or mode of a data set? This resource will make it easy for your students to know the proper steps to take to solve for each. With plenty of activities included you will be able to make custom work packets for your students depending on their learning level and with the answer keys included you will be able to grade those papers right away. Data sets will be represented in different ways such as a set of numbers, bar graphs, money, measurements, dot plots, and more. Whether you are introducing this particular subject matter or reviewing, your students will reap the benefits as they encounter data sets and word problems they may potentially face in state exams. Includes: Posters on how to find the mean, median, range, mode handout for students on the definition of each key term worksheets on finding the mean worksheets on finding the median worksheets on finding the range worksheets on finding the mode worksheets on finding mean, median, range, mode answer key Perfect for introduction on the subject, extra practice, quizzing, test prep, reviews, independent work practice, or even supplementing your current lesson plan. Thanks!
Author Soumara Siddiqui
Tags Mean, Median, Range, Mode, Median, Finding The Mean In A Data Set, Finding The Mode, Mean Median Mode Range Answer Key, Mean Mode Median And Range Answer Key, Mean, Median, Mode Worksheets, Worksheets For Mean Median Mode And Range, Worksheets On Mean Median And Mode, Mean Median And Mode Worksheets, Mean Median Mode Range Quiz Printable, Mean Mode Median And Range Worksheet Answers, Mean Median Mode Range Worksheets, Median Mode Mean Worksheets
ESL Novel Study on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Deep End" - Jeff Kinney
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Reading, Library, Writing, Creative Writing, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Novel Studies, Writing Prompts, Worksheets
ESL Novel Study Worksheets on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Deep End" - Jeff Kinney In this fantastic ESL teaching resource it is offered a comprehensive novel study worksheet activity (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets) focused on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Deep End" by American author Jeff Kinney. Ideal for post reading activities, this English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) teaching resource can be more than great to enhance students' overall understanding of this coming of age novel by American author Jeff Kinney . The English Second or Foreign Language Novel Study activity (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets) can be ideal for ESL EFL TESOL learners in middle and high school (from 6th grade to 9th grade, teen students ). In this Novel Study on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Deep End" (3 printable PDF pages; Worksheets), English Second or Foreign Language teachers (ESL EFL) can find the following ESL novel study activities: 1 part on general information (author's name, genre, and publishing date) 1 part related to New Vocabulary Learned (1 space where to write 10 new words they learned and 1 space where students can write their related meaning) 1 part related to the story timeline (story timeline where learners set in a chronological order the most important moments during the narration) First writing activity on students' review on the novel Second writing activity (imagining to write a letter to Greg Heffley, the main character, and to give him some advice) Third writing activity (pretending to be a character, other than Greg Heffley, and describing a scene of the book from his/her point of view + space where students can draw with comic bubbles the scene they described) This ESL EFL (English Second or Foreign Language) Novel Study Activity on "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Deep End" by American author Jeff Kinney (3 PDF Printable Slides; worksheets) can be suitable for ESL EFL learners from 6th grade to 9th grade to study this coming of age novel Learning with Alan is a Teaching Resource/Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating learning and teaching environment. Remember. Learning is Fun. Never Forget! If you want to browse more of my English Second or Foreign Language (ESL EFL) Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags ESL, English Second Language, English, Novel Study, Worksheets, Printable, Activity, Writing Activity, Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, Teens
Greatest Common Factor and Lowest Common Multiple - 6th Grade
Math, Multiplication and Division, Division, Numbers, Grade 6, 7, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
Finding the greatest common factor (GCF) and least common multiple (LCM) may seem like small topics, but they provide a wealth of foundational math practice! This comprehensive 9-set resource creatively reinforces these concepts for 6th graders through differentiated, randomized worksheets. Students will strengthen multiplication, division, factoring, and prime numbers competency through scaffolded practice. The differentiated activities allow them to focus on mastering the GCF and LCM processes before applying stronger math skills. Methods go beyond rote memorization to make meaningful connections between common factors/multiples and other areas like the distributive property and notation using exponents. The ready-to-go worksheets that require no extra prep or grading time. Just click, print, and hand out. A standout feature is the worksheet randomization. With a single click, educators can generate an entirely new set of questions, making it a renewable resource for the entire school year. Be it for classwork, revision, or homework, adaptability ensures students achieve proficiency in the topic. Each worksheet concludes with an automatically generated answer key on its second page, offering a quick reference point for educators. And if there's ever a need for a last-minute lesson or work for a substitute - Unlimited differentiated practice generates new worksheet versions for as much review and reinforcement work as needed. - Start with simpler number ranges to learn steps before advancing to complex questions - Cross-curricular approach reinforces understanding across math topics This resource engages students in learning concepts that prime them for later algebra success. Students can progress at their own pace from basic competency to fluid skill application. The 9 Sets cover: Factor pairs Finding the Greatest Common Factor of two numbers ( listing of factors) Finding the Greatest Common Factor of three numbers (listing factors)) Prime Factorization Finding the Greatest Common Factor with Prime Factorization Using the Greatest Common Factor with the distributive property of multiplication Finding the Lowest Common Multiple of two Numbers Finding the Lowest Common Multiple of two Numbers (listing multiples) Finding the Lowest Common Multiple using Prime Factorization Finding the Lowest Common Multiple using the Greatest Common Factor Lastly, it's essential to note that these resources can be downloaded as PDF documents. They operate seamlessly with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on both Windows and Mac. Plus, the randomizing features are effortlessly accessible via touchscreen devices or interactive whiteboards.
Author Jeff's Notebooks
Tags Math, Greatest Common Factor, Highest Common Factor, Lowest Common Multiple, Factors, Prime Factors, Prime Factorization, Distributive Property Of Multiplicatiodistributive Property Of Multiplicationdistributive Property Of Multiplicationn, Multiplication, Division
Science Reading on Ocean Exploration and Natural Resources (PDF)
Science, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Earth Sciences, Common Core, ESL, Language Development, ELA, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Reading, Grade 5, 6, 7, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Assessments, Teacher Tools, Tests, Quizzes and Tests
Reading Passages on Ocean Exploration and Natural Resources for Earth Science Ocean Exploration and Natural Resources: Reading Passages Earth Science - Gauge the depth of your students' grasp on scientific subjects using this meticulously crafted science reading worksheet collection. Featuring captivating passages coupled with questions meticulously aligned to the CCSS, this reading ensemble promises both engagement and rigor. As a testament to its comprehensive coverage, it delves into intriguing subjects such as natural resources, the mysteries of ocean exploration, and the abundant resources within our oceans. Such a resourceful pack is poised to be an indispensable asset in any educational setting. Furthermore, these worksheets not only foster critical thinking but also ignite a sense of wonder about the vast world of marine science and our planet's precious resources. What's inside? Part 2 - Ocean Exploration & Natural Resources Reading Passage 1 : Natural Resources Reading Passage 2 : Ocean Exploration Reading Passage 3 : Ocean Resources Product Info: 25 PAGES (PDF Version: US English with Answers) Teaching Duration: 2 Weeks Science Reading Comprehension Outline: Introducing a comprehensive resource tailored for 5th and 6th graders, this product offers enriching reading passages supplemented with illustrative pictures and graphs to clarify key concepts. Aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), it offers a hassle-free approach to teaching, given that the bulk of the preparation is already done for you. The passages present a diverse set of questions – from multiple choice to data analysis and fill-in-the-blanks. This ensures a rich blend of high-interest content and fundamental curriculum -based science themes. With its versatility, you can seamlessly integrate these lessons into various classroom settings, whether it's whole class discussions, morning exercises, independent desk tasks, small group engagements, contingency plans for substitute teachers, regular homework assignments, or even themed activities for holidays. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 5/6 Links: Physical Science Part 1 - Physical and Chemical Properties Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Physical Science Part 2 - Motion and Energy Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Physical Science Part 3 - Electricity and Magnets Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Life Science Part 1 - Cells, Reproduction and Genetics Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Life Science Part 2 - Human Body Systems Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Life Science Part 3 - Plant Parts and Ecosystems Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Earth Science Part 1 - Plate Tectonics and Rock Cycle Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Earth Science Part 2 - Ocean Exploration and Natural Resources Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Earth Science Part 3 - Weather and Solar System Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos For similar products and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple .
Author Cored Education
Tags Science, Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Physics, Physical Science, Ccss, Common Core
Reading Passages on Plant Parts and Ecosystems (PDF)
ELA, Reading, Reading Comprehension, Science, Life Sciences, Biology, Common Core, Human Body, Animals, Grade 5, 6, 7, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Assessments, Teacher Tools, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Diagrams
Reading Passages on Plant Parts & Ecosystems for Life Science Plant Parts and Ecosystems: Reading Passages Life Science - Enhance your assessment process with this ready-to-use science reading passage pack. Featuring enjoyable topics and themes, it's tailored to ensure students not only practice but also deepen their scientific understanding in preparation for tests. With questions meticulously aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), the pack dives into intriguing subjects such as circuits, electricity, and energy sources. It's a must-have resource for educators aiming to make learning both fun and fruitful. What's inside? Plant Parts & Ecosystems Reading Passage 1 : Classification of Organisms Reading Passage 2 : Function of Plant Parts Reading Passage 3 : Reproduction in Plants Reading Passage 4 : Invertebrates Reading Passage 5 : Vertebrates Reading Passage 6 : Earth's Biomes Reading Passage 7 : Ecosystems PDF Version: This is the PDF version. 42 PAGES Science Reading Comprehension Outline: Introducing a comprehensive resource tailored for 5th and 6th graders, this product offers enriching reading passages supplemented with illustrative pictures and graphs to clarify key concepts. Aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), it offers a hassle-free approach to teaching, given that the bulk of the preparation is already done for you. The passages present a diverse set of questions – from multiple choice to data analysis and fill-in-the-blanks. This ensures a rich blend of high-interest content and fundamental curriculum-based science themes. With its versatility, you can seamlessly integrate these lessons into various classroom settings, whether it's whole class discussions, morning exercises, independent desk tasks, small group engagements, contingency plans for substitute teachers, regular homework assignments, or even themed activities for holidays. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 5/6 Links: Physical Science Part 1 - Physical and Chemical Properties Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Physical Science Part 2 - Motion and Energy Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Physical Science Part 3 - Electricity and Magnets Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Life Science Part 1 - Cells, Reproduction and Genetics Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Life Science Part 2 - Human Body Systems Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Life Science Part 3 - Plant Parts and Ecosystems Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Earth Science Part 1 - Plate Tectonics and Rock Cycle Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Earth Science Part 2 - Ocean Exploration and Natural Resources Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos Earth Science Part 3 - Weather and Solar System Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Free Supplementary Pack Accompanying Videos For similar products and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple .
Author Cored Education
Tags Science, Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Physics, Physical Science, Ccss, Common Core
Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification - Science Reading Article - Grades 5-7
Science, Life Sciences, Biology, Grade 5, 6, 7, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification - Science Reading Article - Grades 5-7 The Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification Science Reading Article is a valuable, editable resource completely suited for students from fifth to seventh grade. It gives an exhaustive insight into biodiversity, discussing its definition, impacts, importance, challenges it faces and the significant role in conservation. Educators can leverage this tool conveniently for remote learning assignments or as complementary material in their lesson plans. The text emphasizes the prominence of scientific vocabulary through crucial terms. An interesting mix of questions require concluding both direct knowledge gain from the text along with thought-provoking answers allowing problem-solving abilities to kick in. Google Classroom readiness feature: Simple integration into online classrooms! Teachers can easily create a resource copy into their Google Drive ready for assignments. Diverse formats: Available also as Microsoft Word and PDF versions; thus ensures easy availability regardless of tech devices used or locations worldwide! The article needs roughly 40-60 minutes to complete with varied types of questions maintaining student interest level high. To make grading easier for educators – a handy answer key is provided! This educational reading comprehension serves dual purposes– it triggers topic discussion, improves literacy skills while presenting extension activities individually handled by fast learners. Bonus point – works effectively during substitute-led teaching sessions! Catering majorly to science curriculum requirements (in particular biology) but effortlessly bridges into other relevant themes such as health & wellbeing (allergies/cancer), ecology (invasive & endangered species), chemistry (acid spills/greenhouse effect), physics (energy conservation/wind energy production) making this resource an absolute treasure-trove! In the current times when innovative teaching methodologies are constantly emerging, resources like this are absolutely essential - they motivate learning & foster scientific curiosity in young learners while adapting to a variety of teaching scenarios.
Author Teach With Fergy
Tags Bioaccumulation, Biomagnification, Science Reading, Biodiversity, Conservation
Allergies - Scientific Reading Comprehension Article – Grades 5-7
Science, Life Sciences, Human Body, Grade 5, 6, 7, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
Allergies Science Article - Reading Comprehension for Grades 5-7 This informative science article helps students in grades 5-7 improve their literacy skills. Includes an engaging and relevant reading passage on allergies, their symptoms, and common allergic reactions to things like pet dander or pollen. Follow up questions develop critical thinking skills and check for reading comprehension. Pairs perfectly for in-classwork or distance learning. Add it to Google Classroom in one click! Comes in Word, PDF, and Google Doc formats for seamless assigning and accessing. Around 5 pages long with answer key included. Teach the science behind allergies and hone literacy abilities too. Watch students gain insight into an immune response that impacts lives while sharpening their analysis and comprehension. An extension for gifted students or way to quantify skills. Get this reading activity to: - Meet NGSS, TEKS, and Common Core standards - Introduce allergies - Boost reading and science literacy - Engage as a substitute lesson
Author Teach With Fergy
Tags Allergies, Condition, Health, Reading, Comprehension
Research Organizer & Essay Assignment: Jason Reynolds
ELA, Literature, Writing, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Activities, Projects, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
This resource provides your students with the opportunity to independently research and write about the life of the renowned young adult novelist Jason Reynolds, author of the Tracks series, with this engaging research planner and essay assignment. This carefully scaffolded and easy-to-assign-AND-assess resource has been designed to guide student learning from Reynolds fact-collection to the careful development of a five-paragraph research essay. Teaching this resource could not be easier! Start by handing out the background research and note-taking worksheet (you could also ONLY hand this out if you want a shorter lesson!). Once students have found their facts and sources, provide them with the essay outline activity, which guides them step-by-step through the requirements of a short research essay. From there, drafting their essay, using the provided peer review checklist, and submitting their final draft will be no problem at all. And then you can assess their work with the provided Common Core rubric! Use this entire resource as a complete research lesson or just part of it as a short research activity or sub plan! This TeachSimple download includes: A Jason Reynolds essay writing assignment with directions, requirements, research essay writing tips, a peer review checklist, and Common Core-tied grading rubric An editable rubric, provided as a link, that lets you make adjustments to the grade values and guidelines. This link is provided as as Google Sheet specifically built for integration into Google Classroom, although you can also modify it for use in other Learning Management Systems (LMSs) A Jason Reynolds biography and note-taking worksheet that will guide your students through information gathering. This straightforward two-page handout includes instructions for background research, a fun drawing section, and an area to cite quality sources and organize conducted research A research essay outlining worksheet, so students build on their Jason Reynolds notes in a clear and simple manner as they build their work towards a draft and final paper All 6-pages of this lesson are provided in full-color and B&W versions Although this resource can be fitted for any secondary Language Arts classroom, it has been carefully designed to work best in grades 8 through 11. The included rubric is subtly but specifically tied to Common Core ELA Standards for Language (3) and Writing (2 and 7). This resource is provided as a print-ready, bookmarked, and adjustable PDF file. The rubric is also included as an editable Google Sheet. This resource contains 6 pages and 1 Google Sheet.
Author The Language of Educational Art, LLC
Tags Essay, Research, Rubric, Notetaking, Outlining
Supplementary Materials for Physical and Chemical Properties (PDF)
Science, Physics, Common Core, Grade 5, 6, 7, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
Supplementary Materials for Physical and Chemical Properties Each classroom is different and with that in mind, this free supplementary pack of questions gives teachers the opportunity to give early finishers some extra questions, or can be used for homework/holiday work. Each question is based on the topic of the reading lesson already covered, however, not all answers can be found in the text. What's inside? Extra Questions for Physical & Chemical Properties Reading Passage 1 : Measuring Matter: Mass, Volume, and Density Reading Passage 2 : Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter Reading Passage 3 : Physical and Chemical Changes in Matter Reading Passage 4 : Atoms, Elements, and Compounds Reading Passage 5 : Chemicals: Helpful and Harmful Product Info: 15 pages Teaching Duration: 2 Weeks Science Reading Comprehension Outline: Introducing a comprehensive resource tailored for 5th and 6th graders, this product offers enriching reading passages supplemented with illustrative pictures and graphs to clarify key concepts. Aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), it offers a hassle-free approach to teaching, given that the bulk of the preparation is already done for you. The passages present a diverse set of questions – from multiple choice to data analysis and fill-in-the-blanks. This ensures a rich blend of high-interest content and fundamental curriculum -based science themes. With its versatility, you can seamlessly integrate these lessons into various classroom settings, whether it's whole class discussions, morning exercises, independent desk tasks, small group engagements, contingency plans for substitute teachers, regular homework assignments, or even themed activities for holidays. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 5/6 Links: Physical Science Part 1 - Physical and Chemical Properties Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Physical Science Part 2 - Motion and Energy Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Physical Science Part 3 - Electricity and Magnets Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Life Science Part 1 - Cells, Reproduction and Genetics Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Life Science Part 2 - Human Body Systems Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Life Science Part 3 - Plant Parts and Ecosystems Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Earth Science Part 1 - Plate Tectonics and Rock Cycle Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Earth Science Part 2 - Ocean Exploration and Natural Resources Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word Earth Science Part 3 - Weather and Solar System Google Docs/Slides/Forms PDF PPT Word For similar products and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple .
Author Cored Education
Tags Science, Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Physics, Physical Science, Ccss, Common Core
21st Century Skills - Learning Skills for Global Competency Gr. 3-8+
Special Resources, Life Skills, Grade 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
21st Century Skills - Learning Skills for Global Competency Gr. 3-8+ This educational resource is instrumental in molding students to be adaptable, flexible individuals that thrive in the dynamic global economy. It utilizes project-based learning principles to provide practical experiences that bolster learners' confidence. Creativity Capacity Development A standout feature of this toolkit is its focus on enhancing creativity capacity. The use of engaging role-playing scenarios fosters an understanding that failure is not a dead-end but rather a springboard towards success—translating to life lessons beyond academic achievement. Innovation and Iteration Culture The toolkit aspires to cultivate a culture of continual improvement. It challenges students past mere memorization, teaching them instead how to embrace change and evolve—an increasingly crucial skill set within our knowledge-driven society. Digital Competencies Incorporating technology and media contexts enables the resource bridge the gap between classroom lessons and real-world application—a relatable context for adept digital learners. Critical Thinking Skills A value-added element of this educational tool lies in its robust guide containing thought-provoking questions aimed at invoking healthy debate among students. A significant shift from traditional methods that further refines learners for university-level education requiring keen critical thinking abilities. Ranges Grades 3-8+ Versatile group dynamics approach (large or small) All-in-one PDF format for easy access and convenience Conclusively, this comprehensive suite offers vast opportunities within our ever-complex world to shape an agile future workforce better prepared for unforeseen challenges—it equips teachers with an effective tool imparting critical life skills.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Urban Planning
Social Studies, Geography, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
Urban Planning This Urban Planning resource is an exemplary educational teaching resource, specially designed for grades 6 through 9. About the Study Material This immersive mini-unit provides a dynamic exploration into the history and principles of city planning and is perfectly utilized within Social Studies classrooms , especially those with an emphasis on Geography . Lesson Breakdown The first lesson, titled Urban Problems , ventures into the various challenges faced by major cities during the notable period of Industrial Revolution. In the second lesson, students will travel back in time to learn about Joseph Bazalgette's project of developing London's sewer system during mid-1800s. The third module focuses on Baron Haussmann and his impactful role in transforming Paris under Napoleon III’s rule. The fourth installment sheds light on present-day urban planning principals for learners to gain deep insights into key influences shaping today's cityscapes. The final module is a hands-on “City Planning Model Project” letting your pupils design their own city plan using provided templates - encouraging creativity and critical thinking skills with real-world applications. Aids for Teaching Experience Besides this, each lesson comes embedded with customized reading resources & worksheets as well as illustrative image aids that solidify written content comprehension. A comprehensive PowerPoint presentation also progresses teachers smoothly through materials incorporated in this package. Note: Please remember the product arrives as zip files for effortless downloading & working storage guarantees permitting convenient access whenever necessary. Urban Planning - expanding young minds towards historical architecture and urban planning renders it an essential addition for any enriching social studies curriculum aiming at future-ready learners capable of creating sustainable urban living solutions.
Author Mr Gray History
Tags Urban Planning, Industrial Revolution, Joseph Bazalgette, Baron Haussmann, Model Project
Physical Science Word Search and Scramble Activity
Science, Physics, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Word Searches, Worksheets, Worksheets & Printables
Your students will love this engaging science review activity. Everyone loves word searches and scrambles and they make for a great review activity that is fun and competitive. This interactive game reinforces key scientific concepts and theories, ensuring curriculum relevance and accuracy. The game package includes 25 common Physical Science terms and concepts. The first part of this activity is a word search using the common terms while the second part uses the same terms in a word scramble and define where your students need to unscramble the word and define it. Simply print and go. This is a no-prep activity and can be used to introduce terms, review, or as additional work for those who finish early. Tailor the experience to the level of your students. You can use one or both parts to help your students learn key concept terms. Some example terms include: ATOM MOLECULE FORCE ENERGY MASS DENSITY VOLUME GRAVITY
Author Teach With Fergy
Tags Word Search, Word Scramble, Physical Science, Physics, Optics
Number & Operations - Drill Sheets Vol. 1 Gr. 6-8
Math, Numbers, Common Core, Grade 6, 7, 8, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
Number & Operations - Drill Sheets Vol. 1 Gr. 6-8 An all-encompassing teaching resource designed to prioritize concepts related to numbers and operations in line with the guidelines of NCTM standards for students between grades 6 and 8. This practical resource offers a wide selection of drill sheets that stimulate students' understanding of key mathematical concepts through rigorous timed drills and warm-up activities. Suited to differentiated learning, these pages offer a varying extent of complexity reflects diversity in content making it an ideal tool for accommodating individual learning abilities. With thoughtful spaces incorporated into the worksheet for reflections, the resource nurtures analytical minds at work, thus encouraging meaningful interactions with mathematical principles. Beyond simple rote exercises, this material navigates through various aspects central to numerical comprehension such as place value, fractions, percent calculations, decimals multiplication and division methods. The objective lies not only in reinforcing learned concepts but fostering an increasing comfortability with newly introduced ones alike. Helping educators gauge student progress effectively are efficient review sheets meant to keep track of student progress comprehensively by focusing on mastery rather than just correctness. Furthermore beneficially accompanying them are color activity posters that enhance understanding by adding visual excitement with each lesson while bonus worksheets provide additional practices perfect for homework assignments or small-group sessions. The teaching material adheres strictly to Common Core State standards availing itself as a reliable course companion potent enough: To meet classroom-related necessities efficiently in addition traditional homeschooling needs . The product comes conveniently formatted as a PDF permitting effortless access upon prompt download without compromising any structural integrities pertaining design layout or text placements . It functions as a definitive academic tool catering to educators seeking resourcefulness necessitated for engaging classes fruitfully.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Samuel Pepys Plague Diary Comprehension (age 9 years +)
ELA, Reading, Grade 5, 6, 7, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
Samuel Pepys Plague Diary Comprehension Designed for students aged nine and above, Samuel Pepys Plague Diary Comprehension is a comprehensive teaching resource that combines both history and language arts. Boasting 24 pages of structured activities, it takes students on an exploration of the great plague of 1665 through the eyes of renowned diary-keeper Samuel Pepys. Main Features: Reading Comprehension Improvement: The cornerstone of this package is key extracts from Samuel Pepys' diary. This encourages students to delve into authentic historical accounts, fostering objectivity, analytical thinking, and primary source appreciation. Intriguing Plague Facts: Around the comprehension exercises are data about the great plague, helping to enhance learners' knowledge about this era while promoting connections between past events and their current relevance. Creative Flourishes: Beyond factual recall exercises are opportunities for creativity in form of writing and drawing tasks connected with the epoch under study. Catering to different types learning styles hence making learning more fun yet all-encompassing. This teaching repertoire can be employed during group sessions or used as homework engagement gears for independent study. It's a versatile tool suitable for Grade 5 up till Grade 7 pupils majorly Language Arts classes but equally applies History lessons mastery making it a gem-of-an-interdisciplinary marvel! The easily navigable PDF format ensures user-friendliness thus facilitating easy dissemination amongst learners irrespective their technical know-how levels.
Author Guinea Pig Education
Tags Samuel Pepys, Plague Diary, Reading Comprehension, Primary Sources, Historical Impacts
Karl Marx Research Organizer & Essay Assignment
Social Studies, ELA, Biographies, History, History: World, History: Ancient, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, Activities, Projects, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
Karl Marx is probably the most widely discussed economic philosophers of all-time, and perhaps also the misunderstood. This resource provides your students with the opportunity to independently explore and write about the life of the "father of socialism" with this engaging research planner and essay assignment. This carefully scaffolded and easy-to-assign-AND-assess resource has been designed to guide student learning from Karl Marx fact-collection to the careful development of a five-paragraph research essay. Teaching this resource could not be easier! Start by handing out the background research and note-taking worksheet (you could also ONLY hand this out if you want a shorter lesson!). Once students have found their facts and sources, provide them with the essay outline activity, which guides them step-by-step through the requirements of a short research essay. From there, drafting their essay, using the provided peer review checklist, and submitting their final draft will be no problem at all. And then you can assess their work with the provided Common Core rubric! Use this entire resource as a complete research lesson or just part of it as a short research activity or sub plan! This TeachSimple download includes: - A Karl Marx essay writing assignment with directions, requirements, research essay writing tips, a peer review checklist, and Common Core-tied grading rubric - An editable rubric, provided as a link, that lets you make adjustments to the grade values and guidelines. This link is provided as as Google Sheet specifically built for integration into Google Classroom, although you can also modify it for use in other Learning Management Systems (LMSs) - A Karl Marx biography and note-taking worksheet that will guide your students through information gathering. This straightforward two-page handout includes instructions for background research, a fun drawing section, and an area to cite quality sources and organize conducted research - A research essay outlining worksheet, so students build on their Karl Marx notes in a clear and simple manner as they build their work towards a draft and final paper - All 6-pages of this lesson are provided in full-color and B&W versions Although this resource can be fitted for any secondary Language Arts classroom, it has been carefully designed to work best in grades 8 through 11. The included rubric is subtly but specifically tied to Common Core ELA Standards for Language (3) and Writing (2 and 7). This resource is provided as a print-ready, bookmarked, and adjustable PDF file. The rubric is also included as an editable Google Sheet. This resource contains 6 pages and 1 Google Sheet.
Author The Language of Educational Art, LLC
Tags Essay, Rubric, Research, Notetaking, Outlining
Middle School Math Extras
, Grade 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
This extra material package for middle school math has 28 task pages and their answers. These pages can be used as warmups or time fillers. 10 pages of order of operations crosswords: The idea is that the students solve the order of operations tasks, fill their answers in letters to the crossword . After finding all the answers, they will see the name of a famous mathematician in the vertical row. A description of the mathematician can be found in the corresponding answer page, giving students extra knowledge about some mathematicians and their achievements. The mathematicians are from ancient era to present. These crosswords are suitable for warmups for students of all levels. 10 pages of verbal problems: Each page has two verbal problems. You can find the answers either by a pair of linear equations or reasoning, there are answers for both of these styles in the answer pages. These are also suitable for warmups or for pair work, as they are not too difficult to reason. 7 pages of problems about large numbers: These large number tasks are generally a bit more difficult ones. You could use them for example as a back up extra material for early finishers or for a pair/group work. There are two pages of card deck problems asking, how many orders can certain cards be in. Three pages are about astronomy. Topics are: General and Special Relativity, distance of the Moon a million years ago and the concept of light-year and how to use it One page is about geology, the classic task of mapping the 4,6 billion years of Earth's history to one calendar year. Chemistry, introducing the concept of mole and number of atoms. 1 page about infinite series Students are encouraged to find the sum of infinite series 1+ ½+¼ … This resource is a printable pdf file with 54 pages. It can be used with grades 7-9
Author TheBrightestKid
Tags Large Numbers, Mathematicians, Word Problems, Order Of Operations, Astronomy, Geological Age, Pairs Of Linear Equations