Add & subtract 2-digit whole numbers with & without regrouping

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About This Product

There are two sets of worksheets, one on addition and the other on subtraction of 2 digit numbers.
Within each set a learning path has been created so that your students can build their skills and knowledge one step at a time through differentiated worksheets as follows:  


  • No regrouping 

  • Regrouping  once - 2-Digit plus a 1 digit number

  • Regrouping twice -Two 2-Digit numbers

  • Adding three 2-Digit numbers

  • Adding four 2 Digit numbers


  • No regrouping

  • Regrouping - 2-Digit minus a 1 digit number

  • Regrouping -Two 2-Digit numbers

How many worksheets are in each set ?

A lot .... almost unlimited. 

How is this possible ?
At the bottom of each page there is a button which when clicked randomises all the numbers on the page thereby creating a completely new worksheet. You can create as many new worksheets as you need at each level.  Keep the skill alive throughout the year. Produce a new worksheet for classwork and homework practice; use as a filler activity; leave a straightforward activity for a replacement teacher or even give each pupil or groups of pupils in your class individualized sets of questions either all at the same level or differentiated according to their progress. Need to revise a level ? No problem  .... click the appropriate button and you have a new worksheet. There will certainly be enough to ensure fluency in this topic.

Are Answers provided ?
Yes. These can be found on the second page of every worksheet,  and are automatically generated every time you create a new worksheet.

These resources are PDF documents and work with the official  Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers, with the randomising buttons also working via a touchscreen or on an Interactive Whiteboard.

Common Core State Standards  2.NBT.B.5
Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.

And for further challenges you may like:

Add and subtract 3 Digit numbers with and without regrouping

Add and Subtract 4 and 5 digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm

Resource Tags

add subtract addition subtraction 2-digit math jeff's notebooks worksheets regrouping interactive whiteboard

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