Algebra: Patterns - Learn the Skill - FLASH-MAC

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Algebra: Patterns - Learn the Skill - FLASH-MAC

A comprehensive and practical teaching resource designed for educators of grades 3-5. This tool focuses on enhancing students' understanding of Algebra patterns, an essential mathematical concept crucial in achieving proficiency in more complex areas of mathematics.

Learning Outcomes:

  • The software offers 'learn the skill' real-world word problems to help pupils translate theoretical knowledge into functional skills.
  • Each problem is expertly crafted, mirroring scenarios that students may encounter daily—leading to a holistic development of critical thinking abilities.

Educational Tools:

This resource also integrates math tools tailored to aid educators in delivering effective sessions by facilitating flexible learning opportunities such as:

  • Whole class instruction,
  • Small group activities,
  • At-home assignments.
  • Allignment with Educational Standards:

    The content aligns with Common Core State Standards (CCSS), STEM initiatives and conforms compliantly with standards stipulated by NCTM.

    Diversification of Languages:
    As a reflection of our commitment towards accessible education, this tool includes dual language options:
    1. English voice-over with corresponding text translation,
    2. Spanish voice-over along with equivalent text translation.
    3. This suitability for multi-lingual classrooms recognizes the diversity among 21st-century classrooms. Note: Exclusive rights are reserved only for Mac platform users as per its file type accessibility, making it ideal for educators utilizing Apple hardware resources within an education setting or homeschooling modality.


      Algebra: Patterns - Learn the Skill - FLASH-MAC empowers teachers with necessary tools while engaging young minds towards effectively grasping algebra patterns, a progressive step closer to their full-scale exploration into nascent but dynamically captivating world of mathematics.

What's Included

Contains 1 Product File

Resource Tags

Software (Mac)

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