All About Credit Cards | Financial Literacy Video Lesson

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About This Product

This financial literacy video lesson is all about Credit Cards.

Students will love this engaging and interactive video as they learn more about money and being responsible with finances.

The video begins with introducing students to learning about the definition of a credit card, and then explaining all the concepts involved in using a credit card. These include how the credit cards work and the difference between using cash, or a debit card.

This All About Credit Cards | Financial Literacy Video Lesson resource is a very colorful video! It was designed to be used by students with any grade as it is attractive to any of them.

This video serves as a great introduction or review video for your learners. This is a 3-minute video lesson.

The use of this video All About Credit Cards | Financial Literacy Video Lesson, may be to complement a Credit Card lesson. It may be an introduction to the topic, or a review of the topic at the end of a lesson. The most important is that students are informed about the Credit Card and learn about its use and the responsability that is carried after using a credit card. This is done throughout the video in a simple, but direct manner so that students increase their knowledge on the topic.

What's Included

1 MP4 file

Resource Tags

credit cards life studies money lesson money video financial literacy

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