Animal Farm Ch 9: Eulogy for Boxer's funeral Creative Writing + rubric Google

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Animal Farm Eulogy Writing Assignment\nThis creative writing resource challenges students to eulogize Boxer's death from Animal Farm. Students will write a eulogy from the perspective of one of the animal characters that highlights Boxer's admirable traits and contributions to the farm. The Google Doc file includes clear guidelines on structuring the eulogy, suggestions for details to incorporate, and examples of effective eulogies. A rubric outlines expectations for content, organization, voice, word choice, and grammar. This standards-aligned writing assignment can be posted on Google Classroom and pairs well with a reading of Animal Farm. It provides an engaging way for students to synthesize their analysis of Boxer as a character while improving their informative writing abilities. With clear instructions and a rubric for assessment, this eulogy writing prompt facilitates rich creative writing skills.

Resource Tags

eulogy writing creative character analysis synthesis assignment

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