Bacon’s Rebellion "The Declaration 1676" Primary Source Analysis

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Grade 8, 9, 10, 11



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At the heart of Bacon's Rebellion were conflicts between the colonial elite, represented by Governor William Berkeley, and the landless frontiersmen who were eager for westward expansion and protection from Native American attacks. These frontiersmen felt that the colonial government was not adequately addressing their concerns. Bacon's Rebellion began as a response to Governor Berkeley's refusal to authorize military action against Native American tribes that were attacking the western settlements. Nathaniel Bacon and his supporters took matters into their own hands, forming an unauthorized militia and launching a series of raids against Native American villages. They argued that protecting the frontier was essential for the colony's survival and accused the governor of being indifferent to their plight. As the rebellion gained momentum, Bacon and his followers expanded their grievances to include broader social and political issues. They criticized Berkeley's administration for its heavy taxation, corruption, and failure to provide representation for smaller landholders. This resonated with many discontented colonists who joined the rebellion.

The students are they asked to read through 4 excerpts from "The Declaration 1676" in which Nathaniel Bacon list his grievances that led to the rebellion. This product comes with a complete teacher key. Ready to use - no prep!


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Teacher Key

Resource Tags

Bacon's Rebellion US History Colonial America

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