Bee Kind Kindness Tracker-SEL FREEBIE!
About This Product
Foster kindness with this free Bee Kind kindness tracker. Printer ready for black and white and students color in the honeycomb hexagons based on the type of kindness act!
Color the honeycomb with each act of kindness.
Use this color code:
Blue-kind to a friend
Green-kind to the earth
Red-kind to a family member
Yellow-kind to an animal
Pink-kind to yourself
Purple-kind to your community
This resource can be used to reinforce kindness in students, crucial for their social emotional learning (SEL) development.
School counselors can benefit from using this resource with students, as well as tutoring, centers, or class work for them to display.
What's Included
A one page PDF kindness tracker.
Resource Tags
social-emotional learning
school counseling
community building
Unity day
bee tracker
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