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California Mission Unit

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History: USA


Grade 4



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California Mission Unit

The California Mission Unit is an engaging and comprehensive teaching resource, spanning over an impressive 84 pages. This unit is devised with a focus on enhancing students' knowledge about the historical importance of missions in bringing development to California. It incorporates informative reading passages, interactive questions, relevant vocabulary cards, and critical essential questions.

CLOSE Reading Nonfiction Passages

A feature that sets this unit apart are the CLOSE Reading nonfiction passages. Each passage engages students intimately with their subject matter — encouraging close interactions with the text for maximum comprehension and retention. The set includes four main passages:

  • An Introduction to the California Missions;
  • Mission Settlement;
  • Mission Life;
  • Junipero Serra and the Missionaries.

To further consolidate learning, there are a set of vocabulary cards linked to each CLOSE reading passage where students can review definitions of key terms from each text. Moreover, easy-to-understand instructions for implementing CLOSE reading activities effectively in classrooms are provided within an inclusive PowerPoint presentation.

'Depth of Knowledge' (D.O.K.) Skills & Companion Tools

This teaching resource places emphasis on 'Depth of Knowledge' (D.O.K.) skills throughout its content which aids your pupils recognize different levels of thinking beyond standard recall and recognition tasks. Companion tools like anchor charts for student annotation or discussion topics accompany each CLOSE Reading activity that offer engaging opportunities for peer discussion about textual details or thematic interpretations.

Variety In Assessments & Learning Engagement Options

  • This potent teaching asset offers various assessment avenues including text dependent questions focused on citation from read text supporting student opinions or arguments about specific lessons – these can be used as summative assessments following completion of all readings included within this unit offering educators unique insights into class-wide comprehension rates about lessons taught throughout its current course-frame.
  • Additionally available within this extensive package are thought-provoking Common Core Essential Questions suitable for performance tasks or formative assessments at end-of-unit evaluations aiming at understanding broader conceptual take-aways instead merely facts-based information memorization by learners.
  • To expand engagement options across different audiences it offers variety in graphic organizers like KWL (Know-Want to Know-Learned) charts, Venn diagrams, tree mappings and RAFT activities (Role-Audience-Format-Topic) which uplifts lesson engagement rates significantly offering multiple interaction types within the same learning space bracket catering to diverse learner profiles conveniently.

Adaptive Usage Scenarios

This resource can be utilized effectively in different teaching scenarios like whole-group classroom sessions for fostering disciplined organizational discussions on historical implications of Missions in California or small-group work focusing understanding textual context collectively or potentially as challenging homework assignments expanding student engagement beyond classrooms offering them unique self-learning avenues consistent with their individual exploration speed and methods.

Aligning With Teaching Styles & Concentration Spans

On purchase of this unit, teachers are assured that they gain a valuable aid geared towards 4th grade Social Studies instruction that can be tailored to best align with various teaching styles or pupil concentration spans for achieving optimized learning outturn within given academic calendars.

What's Included

This unit contains the following elements:

• CLOSE reading nonfiction passages with illustrations:

1. Passage One- An Introduction to the California Missions

2. Passage Two- Mission Settlement

3. Passage Three-Mission Life

4. Passage Four- Junipero Serra and the Missionaries

• Vocabulary cards with definitions for each CLOSE reading passage

• CLOSE Reading Instructions PowerPoint ( or handout) explaining the steps of CLOSE Reading

• Anchor Charts for student annotation and Discussion Topics for CLOSE Reading

• “Text Dependent Questions”, to be used after all passages are read; this is intended as a summative assessment, or practice in citing textual evidence and giving examples from the reading of nonfiction text

• Common Core Essential questions (to be used after all passages are read, can be used as a summative assessment or a performance task)

• RAFT ideas (explanation included if you’re not familiar with RAFTS)

• Cognitive Content Dictionary (to be made into a “book” for student vocabulary words, definitions, and pictures

• KWL Chart ( you can use this at the beginning of the unit to ascertain what they may already know about the California Missions)

• Venn Diagram to compare and contrast similarities and differences.

• A Tree Map Graphic Organizer ( a grammar component for students to analyze the words in the passages and their parts of speech)

Resource Tags

California Mission Close Reading Vocabulary Cards Depth of Knowledge Common Core Essential Questions

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