COMPARING NUMBERS 1 TO 10 - Animals Theme

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Math, Numbers





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About This Product

Comparing numbers is a basic activity that children must acquire. Comparing first requires that children have acquired the notion of quantity so that later, through concrete, manipulative material, they come to realize that in real life there are quantities that are sometimes greater than others, or even equal.

It is the duty of teachers to prepare attractive worksheets for children, in this case I have designed this beautiful worksheet so that your students learn to buy numbers in an attractive way through animals, and a beautiful design for them.

I hope this worksheet is useful in your class, and if you do school at home, it can also be useful.

1. Product name:

"Comparing numbers from 1 to 10"

2. Page number:

This product contains 5 worksheets.

3. Document version:

This educational product is in PDF version, ready to be printed, in color and in A4 format.

4. Aimed at children of ages:

This educational resource is aimed at children aged 4,5,6, who are learning the topic of comparing numbers from 1 to 10.

5. Area

This educational sheet should be used in the area of mathematics.

6. Keywords:

mathematics, worksheets, comparison of numbers, comparing numbers, numbers from 1 to 10, comparison of numbers from 1 to 10, mathematics worksheets.

7. How do I print it?

Print this document in A4, and preferably in color so that it becomes a more attractive and motivating experience for your students and/or students.

8. How to apply it in class?

It is preferable that this worksheet be applied individually because the activities are easy to carry out.

9 Standards:

This pedagogical document was not prepared based on standards.

10: Answer key:

This document does not include the answer sheet.

11. Variations in its application:

This document may be used according to the creativity of the person who uses it.

Resource Tags

comparing numbers comparison numbers 1 to 10

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