Decimal Place Value Game: Tenths to Millionths

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Grade 4, 5, 6, 7



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About This Product

Here's an engaging way for your class to practice place value with decimal numbers from tenths to the millionths. All you need are a die, a counter, and the printed game pages!

Students attempt to make the largest (or smallest) decimal number possible as digits are generated one at a time!

• This lesson can work for many grades: you can play just tenths all the way to millionths!

• It's a simple game, but it encourages strategy and critical thinking.

• A super way to reinforce decimal concepts such as ordering and rounding.

• Complete instructions and a sample round are included.

How to Play:

1)  Choose which place value you will practice with your class from tenths to millionths.

2)  For the first round, choose if students are making the smallest or largest number they can.

3)  Assign 1 side of the counter as zero and the other will indicated rolling the die.

4)  Flip the coin or counter. Students must choose where to put the digit or the zero.

5)  IMPORTANT: Numbers can not be moved after they are placed.

6) Continue this pattern until all the digits have been filled. Survey your class to see who made the largest or smallest number!

7) Now you can complete all sorts of math tasks:

  1. Order the numbers your students made.

  2. Round the numbers to the nearest one, tenth, or hundredth.

  3. Convert some decimals to fractions.

  4. Read the numbers accurately aloud.

  5. Once you have played around with the. numbers, play a second round. You can continue to try for the smallest number or change to trying to get the largest number.

What's Included:

8 pages in PDF Format:

Title Page


6 Different Printable Game Levels (Tenths to Millionths)

If you enjoy this math game, check out others in my store: Grace Under Pressure.

Resource Tags

decimals dice game math game place value tenths hundredths thousandths millionths strategy intermediate math

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