Each vs. Every | Beginner Lesson Plan

About This Product
Each vs Every Beginner Lesson Plan
This beginner grammar lesson helps students learn the difference between the often confused words "each" and "every." Students will analyze sample sentences to comprehend when to properly use these homophones. The engaging exercises strengthen essential language skills.
The differentiated printables allow implementation during whole-group, small-group, or individual instruction. This versatile resource works for in-person, remote, or blended learning. The complete lesson plan structures a 50-minute class period focused on recognizing and applying proper homophone usage. Assessment includes an answer key.
With clear explanations, focused practice, and included assessments, this time-saving lesson plan strengthens introductory students' grammar proficiency. The Each vs Every resource works for both ESL and mainstream classrooms in upper elementary through high school.
Resource Tags
language arts
grammar skills
lesson plan
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