Fairy Tales Listening Center With QR Codes (32 books)

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ELA, Reading



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About This Product

A set of 32 Fairy Tale picture books read-alouds to use during your Daily 5 listen to reading station, to tape on matching books, or to send home for extra student resources. All codes are run through a safe filter called video.link so that students can only see the intended read-aloud on YouTube. They will not be able to search through YouTube or see anything else on YouTub. These are also great to use when students finish their work early. This set includes Fairy Tales and Fractured Fairy Tales that include QR codes that can be used with iPads, iPods, Smartphones, Android devices, or any tablet that a QR scanner can be downloaded on. A Fairy Tale anchor chart is also included. These were designed to use with a Fairy Tale unit. Great to use to compare and contrast Fairy Tales. Enjoy:)

Please make sure that if your codes are not working at school you check with your IT person to make sure that Youtube is not blocked at your school. Sometimes Youtube videos are taken down and the links stop working. If this happens please let me know and I will fix them and re-submit a new copy so that you can re-download this product for no charge.

Directions: Print on card stock and laminate for a center activity or cut and tape on to the matching book. Make sure that you have a QR Code reader that takes you directly to the site. (I like QR reader for iPad or Scan- both free in the App Store or Google Play store). Open your QR scanner and hover over the code. The reading will begin. All YouTube videos are run through a safe filter called video.link. This site only allows your students to see the book. They are not able to click on ads, links, or search YouTube.

What's Included

32 listen to reading Fairy Tale picture book QR codes.

Resource Tags

listentoreading fairytales Daily 5 Guided Reading Literacy Centers qr codes for books school listening station

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