Football Field Of Feelings-An SEL Boom Cards with SEL Coloring Page

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Football Field Of Feelings-An SEL Self-Regulation Boom Deck Plus SEL Coloring Pages

An engaging learning tool your early learners will love! Tailored specifically for Kindergarten to Grade 4 children, this versatile resource focuses on the vital skill of self-regulating emotions.

  • 25-card deck with a football theme: Presenting situations and allowing students to respond positively or negatively towards an emotive scenario.

  • 'Fumble' and 'Touchdown': Each card presents these two options, enabling students to differentiate between positive and negative emotional responses.

  • No reading required!The voice-over on each card adds auditory stimulation and further enhances comprehension levels in children. The first three instruction cards even include exciting football stadium sounds that are sure to enthrall them.

  • Bonus handout: A bonus handout is added in the package where students get the opportunity to write down five techniques they can employ when dealing with strong emotions which solidifies their understanding further.

An excellent complementing resource viable for whole class discussions, small group activities or as individual homework assignments.

Inclusive Access For All Learners:

We have ensured easy access via instant download – just click on the product image provided in the downloadable PDF!

This package's benefits extend beyond education sessions into real-life emotional management practices increasing resilience among children while building emotionally intelligent future adults.

You may also find our other sports-themed decks useful which are tailor-made for developing life skills in young learners such as; Frendship Homerun (Baseball-Themed). Best Behavior Basketball (BasketBall-Themend). An internet connection is needed for usage as it plays on browsers such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox & Edge along with popular apps such as Android iPad iPhone & Kindle Fire devices.For privacy reasons we recommend adults involved should have a Boom Learning account.The Fast Pins option allows immediate feedback making it popular among self grading students. The Football Field Of Feelings -An SEL Self-Regulation Boom Deck: A resource that brings vitality to learning emotions and levity in classrooms through crisp graphics, dynamic sounds and invigorating activities!

Resource Tags

SEL Self-regulation Emotional intelligence Football theme Interactive deck sel coloring pages Boom Cards social emotional learning school counseling

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