4,470 products added recently
Science Experiments
Enhance your science curriculum with experiments that make learning interactive and engaging. This collection covers various scientific fields, including chemistry, physics, biology, and earth science. By integrating these science experiments into your lessons, you can inspire curiosity and deepen comprehension.
Because of Winn Dixie STEM Experiment + STEM Project for Grades 3-5
Science, Technology, Engineering, STEM, Grade 3, 4, 5, Experiments, Activities, Projects, Diagrams, Teacher Tools, Graphic Organizers, Rubrics
Engage your students in a hands-on STEM challenge inspired by Because of Winn-Dixie ! This exciting activity combines engineering, creativity, and problem-solving as students design and build a pet-friendly shelter for Winn-Dixie, the lovable dog who’s afraid of storms. Perfect for blending literature with science, this challenge encourages young minds to apply engineering principles using simple materials, all while developing teamwork, critical thinking, and innovation. What’s Included in This Resource: Student Letter : An engaging letter from Opal invites students to participate in the challenge, drawing a direct connection between the story’s problem and the real-world task. The Design Loop Visual : This visual aid is a great tool for students to glue into their science journals for easy reference. It can easily be enlarged as a classroom poster. Step-by-Step Directions : Detailed instructions that can be printed or written into science journals for a hands-on approach. These directions ensure that students stay on track while working through each part of the challenge. Teacher Notes : Helpful guidance to assist you in creating a clear problem statement, establishing success criteria, and setting time limits and materials. Tailor these instructions to fit your classroom’s needs. Key Skills Developed: ✔ Problem-Solving : Encourage students to identify challenges and develop creative, effective solutions. ✔ Engineering Design : Teach the design process by having students follow the design loop to plan, construct, test, and refine their pet shelters. (Discussing area and perimeter will enhance this design specifically.) ✔ Critical Thinking : Help students evaluate their designs, analyze their prototypes, and identify ways to improve them. ✔ Collaboration : Foster teamwork as students collaborate to achieve a common goal. Flexible Classroom Use: This STEM challenge is perfect for guided instruction or as part of a broader literature and science unit. It provides an opportunity for students to connect their love of reading with real-world applications, improving both their scientific knowledge and creative abilities. Why Teachers Love It: ⭐ “My students were so engaged! It brought their love for reading into STEM learning.” ⭐ “This activity is simple to set up and promotes creativity and teamwork.” ⭐ “The combination of literature and science created an ideal cross-curricular experience for my class.” Inspire your students to help Winn-Dixie solve his stormy dilemma and ignite their passion for engineering with this fun, standards-aligned STEM challenge!
Author Kel's Klass
Tags 4th Grade Science Project, 4th Grade Science Experiment, 5th Grade Science Project, 5th Grade Science Experiment, Engineering Diagram, Science Graphic Organizer, Science Rubric, Because Of Winn Dixie, 3rd Grade Science Project, 3rd Grade Science Experiment
Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis – Lab Station Activity
Science, Life Sciences, Biology, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, Labs, Experiments, Activities
This fully editable Lab Station Activity on Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis is meant to get your students out of their seats and engaged in the content. Each station not only offers a unique opportunity to test your students' knowledge (offer an opinion, answer questions based on a video or reading, draw, etc.), but also provides a fantastic learning opportunity where your kids are learning through assessment. Each station comes with a description card while some also contain more detailed instructions, a reading, questions to answer, etc. Students are equipped with a recording sheet (passport) to write their answers. There is almost no prep for you. Simply print the cards, lay them out around the room and you're all set. An answer key is also provided where applicable. These station cards are meant to be used as a lab activity but can also be utilized in a review task before a test or a quiz. Used either way, your students will love it! I know mine do and I'm telling you from first-hand experience as I've used this activity in my own class, This lab activity covers: - Photosynthesis - Cellular Respiration ---------------------------------------------- Bonus Activities: To ensure your students don’t have any downtime between stations, your lab also includes a 10-word word scramble and word search, both with an answer key. You can use them as part of their mark, as a bonus so it’s not mandatory, etc. However you choose to use it, it will ensure that your students are always busy and never idle. Note: For stronger classes, I give the word scramble and for weaker ones, the word search. ----------------------------------------------- How do the Lab Stations work? Each station is specially designed to be a unique complement to the material while at the same time, providing a valuable learning experience. Below is an overview of how each station works. In your activity , each will be tailored to the specific content. Station 1: Get Hands-On – using their creative skills, students are required to draw or build. Station 2: Research - using a classroom computer or their own device, students must research a specific question/issue surrounding the topic. Station 3: Explain yourself – students write down an opinion to a question in paragraph form. Station 4: Rest Station - students can use this time to catch up on work they didn't have time to complete at a previous station or prepare themselves for an upcoming one. Station 5 - Applicability reading – students read a short passage from an article, website, etc. which directly connects the classroom content to a real-life application. Station 6: Test your knowledge – students answer 5 multiple choice questions then provide a written explanation for how/why they came to their conclusions. Station 7: Learn from the expert – using a classroom computer or their own device, students must watch a short video clip and answer the associated questions. They may stop, rewind and restart as often as they like during the time frame. Station 8 - Rest Station. Station 9: Become the question master – Students must create 2 multiple-choice questions, 2 true/false questions, and 1 short answer question. Students must also supply the answers. These station cards are meant to be used as a lab activity but can also be utilized in a review task before a test or a quiz. Used either way, your students will love it! I know mine do and I'm telling you from first-hand experience as I've used this activity in my own class. Thank you for your interest in my products. If you have any questions, please send me an email - devon@teachwithfergy.com
Author Teach With Fergy
Tags Cells, Plants, Photosynthesis, Respiration, Lab Activity, Photosynthesis And Cellular Respiration Lab, Photosynthesis And Respiration Lab Answer Key, Hands On Photosynthesis Activity, Photosynthesis Lab Middle School
Fats – Lab Station Activity
Science, Life Sciences, Biology, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, Labs, Experiments, Activities
Fats – Lab Station Activity : An Innovative Learning Experience An immersive and interactive learning product for High School Biology students, Fats – Lab Station Activity offers a unique platform that advocates active learning about fats. This classroom resource stimulates pupil movement around the room fostering informed participation. The All-Inclusive Pedagogic Tool Caters to diverse learning needs: The resource employs varied strategies, posing exercises that require reading or viewing content ('visual/auditory learners'), answering from a thoughtful perspective ('creative thinkers'), etc. End-to-end understanding of fats: Our activity stations challenge pupils while acting as potent teaching instruments. Areas explored include types, uses & health impacts of fats and their properties. User-friendly for educators too: While richly detailed in its construct (hands-on projects at 'Station 1', research tasks at 'Station 2', application-oriented reading activities at 'Station 5', etc.), the product is easy to deploy - needing just printed cards arranged aptly! A practical boon included is an 'answer key' , handy for cross-checks and effective student guidance. And yes - this isn't a rigid instrument but an editable one, capable of bespoke adaptations basis class dynamics! Bonus Task & Varied Instructional Scopes A bonus task is provisioned to entertain quick-finishing classes - an interplay with words relevant to the topic (like scramble/word search), aiding in knowledge reinforcement! The comprehensive format makes this material apt not just during whole group instruction but also during small group breakouts or even personalized home assignments! In conclusion: If you are on a lookout for tools linking high schoolers closely with biology fundamentals whilst stirring vibrancy in your classroom, Fats – Lab Station Activity could be your pick! Studying 'fats' needn't be boring - let interaction anchor knowledge!
Author Teach With Fergy
Tags Interactive Learning, Lab Activity, Biology, Fats, Critical Thinking
Periodic Table – Lab Station Activity
Science, Chemistry, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Labs, Experiments, Activities
This fully editable Lab Station Activity on the Periodic Table is meant to get your students out of their seats and engaged in the content. Each station not only offers a unique opportunity to test your students' knowledge (offer an opinion, answer questions based on a video or reading, draw, etc.), but also provides a fantastic learning opportunity where your kids are learning through assessment. Each station comes with a description card while some also contain more detailed instructions, a reading, questions to answer, etc. Students are equipped with a recording sheet (passport) to write their answers. There is almost no prep for you. Simply print the cards, lay them out around the room and you're all set. An answer key is also provided where applicable. This lab activity covers: - The Periodic Table - The History behind its creation ---------------------------------------------- Bonus Activities: To ensure your students don’t have any downtime between stations, your lab also includes a 10-word word scramble and word search, both with an answer key. You can use them as part of their mark, as a bonus so it’s not mandatory, etc. However you choose to use it, it will ensure that your students are always busy and never idle. Note: For stronger classes, I give the word scramble and for weaker ones, the word search. ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- How do the Lab Stations work? Each station is specially designed to be a unique complement to the material while at the same time, provide a valuable learning experience. Below is an overview of how each station works. In your activity , each will be tailored to the specific content. Station 1: Get Hands-On – using their creative skills, students are required to draw or build. Station 2: Research – using a classroom computer or their own device, students must research a specific question/issue surrounding the topic. Station 3: Explain yourself – students write down an opinion to a question in paragraph form. Station 4: Rest Station - students can use this time to catch up on work they didn't have time to complete at a previous station or prepare themselves for an upcoming one. Station 5 - Applicability reading – students read a short passage from an article, website, etc. which directly connects the classroom content to a real life application. Station 6: Test your knowledge – students answer 5 multiple choice questions then provide a written explanation for how/why they came to their conclusions. Station 7: Learn from the expert – using a classroom computer or their own device, students must watch a short video clip and answer the associated questions. They may stop, rewind and restart as often as they like during the time frame. Station 8 - Rest Station. Station 9: Become the question master – Students must create 2 multiple-choice questions, 2 true/false questions and 1 short answer question. Students must also supply the answers. ------------------------------- You might also be interested in my other lab station activities Biology: • Cell and the Cell Theory • The Human Digestive System • The Circulatory System • The Human Respiratory System • Mitosis and the Cell Cycle • Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis • Photosynthesis • Cancer: Cell Division Gone Wrong - Volume I • Cancer: Cell Division Gone Wrong - Volume II • Cell Membrane and Transport • Hearing and the Human Ear • The Human Eye • Genetic Material: DNA and RNA • The Nervous System • Energy Flow In Ecosystems Ecology and the Environment: • Ecosystems • The Classification of Living Things • Biodiversity and Invasive Species • The Carbon and Water Cycle • Climate Change • Photosynthesis • Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis • Ecological Succession • Plant Sexual and Asexual Reproduction • Earth's Seasons • Interactions Within Ecosystems Physics: • Newton's Three Laws of Motion • Kinetic and Gravitational Potential Energy • Current Electricity and Circuit Diagrams • Static Electricity • Light Optics and the Production of Light • Sound, Sound Energy and Speed • One and Two-Dimensional Motion • Uniform Acceleration • How Planes Fly • Refraction • Friction • Energy and Its Forms • Density and Buoyancy Space Science: • The Life and Death of Stars • The Moon and its Phases • Life In Space • Our Solar System • Solar and Lunar Eclipse • Earth's Seasons • Asteroids, Comets and Meteors Chemistry: • Atomic Model, Notation and Atoms • Chemical Reactions and Balancing Equations • Molecular and Ionic Compounds • Physical and Chemical Properties & Changes • Acids, Bases, and Neutralization Reactions • The Periodic Table • Single and Double Displacement Reactions • Balancing Chemical Equations • Synthesis, Decomposition and Combustion Reactions • Atomic Theory, Atomic Structure and Isotopes • Types of Bonds and Intermolecular Forces • The Mole/Avogadro's Number • Density and Buoyancy These station cards are meant to be used as a lab activity but can also be utilized in a review task before a test or a quiz. Used either way, your students will love it! I know mine do and I'm telling you from first-hand experience as I've used this activity in my own class. Thank you for your interest in my products. If you have any questions, please send me an email - devon@teachwithfergy.com
Author Teach With Fergy
Tags Chemistry, Periodic Table, Elements, Metals, Lab Station, The Periodic Table Lab, The Periodic Table Lab Answers, Periodic Table Activities, Periodic Table Lab Answer Key
Science Action Labs Animal Science: Active Science About Animals
Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Labs, Experiments, Activities
Science Action Labs Animal Science: Active Science About Animals This top-notch teaching aid is targeted towards Grades 4 to Grade 8. It focuses on subjects like science and zoology , with intriguing exploration at the core of its approach. The resource comprises a single PDF file featuring 64 ready-to-print pages for expedient preparation by educators. Each page aims to deepen students' understanding of various aspects of animal science making it an ideal part of any curriculum focusing on Zoology. The versatility of the material allows you to adapt it according to your teaching strategy - be it whole-group sessions or small group collaborations, ensuring seamless integration across different pedagogical methods. You can simulate animal habitats within your classrooms using hands-on explorations laid out in this versatile document. There's scope for learners' active engagement with interesting fish experiments that are sure to feed their curiosity and foster scientific temperaments. Create Their Own Creature! Your students can harness their creative power when asked to conceive their very own creature during lessons! Feel free to assign these as homework - individual assignments not only consolidate understanding but also enhance personal problem-solving skills amongst students, moulding them into budding scientists! A Comprehensive Learning Aid: This educational tool comes packed with comprehensive learning concepts, crisply explained across a myriad topics surrounding animals such as habitats, ecosystem balances or characteristics etc. This gives you an effective method for disseminating knowledge about animals' lives and the crucial roles they play in sustaining life on earth. In Conclusion: In essence, the Science Action Labs Animal Science: Active Science About Animals is more than just another academic worksheet set – it ignites learner engagement through Darwinian exploration! Such compelling features make these user-friendly yet rigorous academic worksheets an indispensable resource for any educator who values high-quality educational supplements.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags Animal Science, Action Labs, Super Animals, Animal Habitats, Earthworm Lab
Fun with Chemistry: 20 Exciting Chemical Reaction Experiments For Kids
Chemistry, Science, Elementary, Experiments, Activities
Welcome, young scientists and teachers! This eBook is full of fun and colorful experiments that show how different substances can react to create amazing effects. You will see bubbles, color changes, fizzing eruptions, and even “rockets” that zoom up into the air. As you explore these experiments, remember that science is all about asking questions, observing closely, and having fun learning about the world around us. There are 20 exciting chemistry experiments included. They all involve simple chemical reactions that can be safely performed by kids. For each experiment, the materials are listed, and the step-by-step procedure. Finally, an explanation is given, so as to highlight the science behind the experiment. Last but not least: All experiments must be conducted under strict adult supervision. Always wear safety goggles (or ask an adult to help you wear them) and use the experiments in a safe area where spills can be easily cleaned up.
Author Collaborative Educators
Tags Chemistry, Experiment, Kids, Lab, Reaction
Mole and Avogadro’s Number – Lab Station Activity
Science, Chemistry, Grade 8, 9, 10, 11, Labs, Experiments, Activities
Practical Chemistry Lab for Middle and High School Students Mole and Avogadro's Number Lab Stations provide an engaging hands-on learning experience for 8th-12th grade chemistry students. Learners will rotate through 9 interactive stations focused on key concepts like molar mass, Avogadro’s number, stoichiometry calculations, and real-world applications. Activities range from creative tasks like drawing models to knowledge checks through video and reading comprehension. The variety builds interest while allowing learners to demonstrate understanding. Use this lab to complement instruction on the mole or as review before exams. Includes teacher instructions, recording sheets, answer keys, bonus vocabulary puzzles to minimize idle time between stations. Suitable for individual or group work in classroom or homeschool environment.
Author Teach With Fergy
Tags Calculation, Application, Mole, Avogadro, Lab Station, Avogadro And The Mole Lab Key
Science Action Labs Plant Science
Science, Life Sciences, Nature & Plants, Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Labs, Experiments, Activities
Science Action Labs Plant Science: Beyond Traditional Education The Science Action Labs Plant Science is a comprehensive and practical resource specifically designed to enhance teaching of botany to students from grades 4 to 8. As a meticulously curated catalog, it delivers hands-on activities which provides multi-faceted approach towards the study of plant science. Differentiated Learning with Hands-On Activities This product can be utilized for differentiated learning with varying levels of difficulty, addressing important scientific phenomena like photosynthesis and plant reproduction . These features make it an excellent educational foundation for young learners. An Extensive Resource: All Ready to Print! Sixty-four pages of ready-to-print worksheets are available at your disposal. Each page uncovers new opportunities for studious exploration. Tasks range from engaging experiments such as the seed corn Olympics, which instills knowledge about seed germination, to observational studies that let students delve into the fascinating world of pollen. With plants set in motion and experiments conducted using leaves, students gain first-hand exposure making science more tangible and interesting. Fostering Natural Curiosity in Children through Interactive Learning Kids are natural explorers; their inherent curiosity coupled with tangible showcases brought by these action labs will fuel their inquiry as well as understanding towards botanical science. It offers versatility whether delivered in full classrooms or small focussed groups or even assigned as homework tasks. Bridging Theory & Practice: Making Scientific Concepts Digestible This pack goes beyond providing all-encompassing knowledge about plant life at different growth stages but also cultivates an environment where students can learn at their own pace while handling real samples. By connecting theoretical knowledge with hands-on activities, scientific concepts become less abstract making it easier for students to comprehend. Revolutionizing Botany Education with Science Action Labs Plant Science In essence, the Science Action Labs Plant Science is an effective platform for teaching botany in a way that nurtures interest, sustains engagement, and breaks away from traditional models where rote memorization often overshadows actual comprehension. This resource is an invaluable addition to any curriculum aiming to foster budding scientists equipped not just with facts and figures, but also with the crucial skill of scientific inquiry.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags Plant Science, Crossword Puzzles, Science Writing, Dr. Newton, Seed Lab
Acid-Base Neutralization Chemistry – Lab Station Activity
Science, Chemistry, Grade 9, 10, 11, Labs, Experiments, Activities
Acid-Base Neutralization Chemistry Lab Station Activity This interactive chemistry resource engages students in learning about acid-base reactions through a unique lab station format. Learners rotate between 9 stations, each offering a hands-on way to explore neutralization concepts. Activities range from drawing models to analyzing real-life videos and answering knowledge checks. The multiple learning formats reinforce comprehension while keeping students actively learning. This versatile resource works for whole class, small groups, or independent work. The engaging lab station approach promotes enjoyment of chemistry. An answer key provides guidance. Editable files allow customization for any high school grade level.
Author Teach With Fergy
Tags Acid, Base, Chemistry, Lab Station, Activity, Chemistry Lab Station, Station In Chemistry Lab, Acid And Bases Activities, Acid Base Labs Middle School, Acid Base Chemistry Labs, Acid And Base Activities, Acid Base Reactions Lab, Acid Base Lab Middle School
Magnetic Fields – Lab Station Activity
Science, Physics, Grade 10, 11, 12, Labs, Experiments, Activities
This fully editable Lab Station Activity on Magnetic Fields is meant to get your students out of their seats and engaged in the content. This activity was designed for high school physical science students. Each station not only offers a unique opportunity to test your students' knowledge (offer an opinion, answer questions based on a video or reading, draw, etc.) but also provides a fantastic learning opportunity where your kids are learning through assessment. Each station comes with a description card while some also contain more detailed instructions, a reading, questions to answer, etc. Students are equipped with a recording sheet (passport) to write their answers. There is almost no prep for you. Simply print the cards, lay them out around the room and you're all set. An answer key is also provided where applicable. No prep, no formatting, no issues. Simply download, print (or upload to your class site) and you're all set. This resource is fully editable for your convenience This resource covers the following topics: •Magnet Fields •Law of Magnetic Poles •Permanent vs. Temporary Magnets •Earth’s Magnetic Field •Oersted’s Principal •The Right-Hand Rule •Magnetism and Electricity •Solenoids •Electromagnetism and Electromagnetic Induction •Faraday’s and Lenz’s Laws •Conventional Current and Electron Flow How do the Lab Stations work? Each station is specially designed to be a unique complement to the material while at the same time, provide a valuable learning experience. Below is an overview of how each station works. In your activity , each will be tailored to the specific content. Station 1: Get Hands-On – using their creative skills, students are required to draw or build. Station 2: Research – using a classroom computer or their own device, students must research a specific question/issue surrounding the topic. Station 3: Explain yourself – students write down an opinion to a question in paragraph form. Station 4: Rest Station - students can use this time to catch up on work they didn't have time to complete at a previous station or prepare themselves for an upcoming one. Station 5 - Applicability reading – students read a short passage from an article, website, etc. which directly connects the classroom content to a real-life application. Station 6: Test your knowledge – students answer 5 multiple choice questions than provide a written explanation for how/why they came to their conclusions. Station 7: Learn from the expert – using a classroom computer or their own device, students must watch a short video clip and answer the associated questions. They may stop, rewind and restart as often as they like during the time frame. Station 8 - Rest Station. Station 9: Become the question master – Students must create 2 multiple-choice questions, 2 true/false questions and 1 short answer question. Students must also supply the answers. ------------------------------- You might also be interested in my other lab station activities Physics: • Newton's Three Laws of Motion • Kinetic and Gravitational Potential Energy • Current Electricity and Circuit Diagrams • Static Electricity • Light Optics and the Production of Light • Sound, Sound Energy and Speed • One and Two-Dimensional Motion • Uniform Acceleration • How Planes Fly • Refraction • Friction • Energy and Its Forms • Density and Buoyancy • Electricity Production • Calculating Average Speed, Velocity, and Displacement • Mass, Volume, Density, & Buoyancy • Work and Energy • Renewable Energy • Plate Tectonics • The Rock Cycle • Natural Disasters • Pressure, Volume, and Temperature • Forces • Power • Liquids and Gases • Fossils and Geologic Time • Earthquakes and Volcanoes • Watersheds • Momentum, Conservation of Momentum, and Impulse • Nonrenewable Energy Sources • Projectile Motion • Magnetic Fields Coming Soon: - Work = F x d - The Doppler Effect and Supersonic Travel Biology: • Cell and the Cell Theory • The Human Digestive System • The Circulatory System • The Human Respiratory System • Mitosis and the Cell Cycle • Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis • Photosynthesis • Cancer: Cell Division Gone Wrong - Volume I • Cancer: Cell Division Gone Wrong - Volume II • Cell Membrane and Transport • Hearing and the Human Ear • The Human Eye • Genetic Material: DNA and RNA • The Nervous System • Energy Flow In Ecosystems • DNA Manipulation and GMOs • Transcription and Translation • Cellular Respiration • Thermoregulation • Proteins and Nucleic Acids • Mutations • Meiosis • DNA, Genes, Chromosomes, and Alleles • Genetic Disorders • Fats • Reproductive Technologies • Muscular and Skeletal System • Integumentary System • Carbohydrates and Lipids Coming Soon: - Excretory system - Endocrine system General Science: • The Scientific Method and Science Skills • The Different Types of Clouds • Meteorology Chemistry: • Atomic Model, Notation and Atoms • Chemical Reactions and Balancing Equations • Molecular and Ionic Compounds • Physical and Chemical Properties & Changes • Acids, Bases, and Neutralization Reactions • The Periodic Table • Single and Double Displacement Reactions • Balancing Chemical Equations • Synthesis, Decomposition and Combustion Reactions • Atomic Theory, Atomic Structure and Isotopes • Types of Bonds and Intermolecular Forces • The Mole/Avogadro's Number • Density and Buoyancy • The Particle Theory and the Classification of Matter • Pure Substances and Mixtures • Solutions and Mechanical Mixtures Coming Soon: - Periodic table group properties Ecology and the Environment: • Ecosystems • The Classification of Living Things • Biodiversity and Invasive Species • The Carbon and Water Cycle • Climate Change • Photosynthesis • Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis • Ecological Succession • Plant Sexual and Asexual Reproduction • Earth's Seasons • Interactions Within Ecosystems • Physical and Behavioral Adaptations Space Science: • The Life and Death of Stars • The Moon and its Phases • Life In Space • Our Solar System • Solar and Lunar Eclipse • Earth's Seasons • Asteroids, Comets and Meteors These station cards are meant to be used as a lab activity but can also be utilized in a review task before a test or a quiz. Used either way, your students will love it! I know mine do and I'm telling you from first-hand experience as I've used this activity in my own class. ***************************** For free resources , useful teaching tips, and tools, please visit my blog - TeachScienceWithFergy.com If you have any questions please feel free to send me an email - devon@teachwithfergy.com
Author Teach With Fergy
Tags Magnetic, Field, Solenoids, Electron, Lab Station
One and Two Dimensional Motion – Lab Station Activity
Science, Physics, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Labs, Experiments, Activities
Physics Lab Station Activity: Exploring One and Two-Dimensional Motion In this inquiry-based physics lab activity, students will actively investigate concepts of one and two-dimensional motion through nine interactive stations. As students move through stations testing knowledge, drawing models, conducting research, and more, they will gain hands-on experience with topics like SI units, scalars, vectors, speed, velocity, position, and displacement. The activity can be used for independent student work or whole class instruction. Implementation ideas such as using it as a review, homework assignment, or summative assessment are also provided. This customizable resource contains station description cards, a recording sheet, word puzzles, and answer keys. It covers core physics topics on motion while getting learners out of their seats.
Author Teach With Fergy
Tags Motion, Physics, Linear, Lab Station, Dimensional, Cell Motion Laboratories
Genotype and Phenotype – Lab Station Activity
Science, Life Sciences, Biology, Grade 8, 9, 10, 11, Labs, Experiments, Activities
Genotype and Phenotype Lab Station Activity This fully editable teaching resource for high school biology students focuses on concepts related to Genotypes and Phenotypes . These include: Dominance Co-dominance Incomplete dominance Single gene inheritance Punnett squares Sex linkage. The lab station activity comprises engaging reading assignments and questions that stimulate critical thinking. These can be performed individually or in small groups. The real-world relevance of the hands-on stations enhances the understanding of these biological concepts. The Eight Unique Stations: The teaching resource includes eight distinct stations that involve various tasks aimed at promoting independent thinking over mere memorization. To give an example, "The Get Hands-On station" requires students to draw or build something based on their knowledge, while "The Research" station has them using digital tools for further study. Other stations entail articulating opinions in writing on subject-related issues or developing multiple-choice and short-answer questions. Bonus Activities: Apart from the main tasks, we also provide two bonus activities: a word scramble and a word search. These serve as fillers during downtime between station transitions. Ease of Preparation for Instructors: All it takes is printing out cards and arranging them around your classroom. Where necessary, an answer key is provided making it easy for educators to assess student's performance. In Summary, The Genotype and Phenotype Lab Station Activity promotes immersive exploration of essential biological concepts. It nurtures skills such as critical thinking and creativity while promoting active student participation. This resource is aptly designed for grades 8 through 11 biology lessons.
Author Teach With Fergy
Tags Genotype, Phenotype, Lab Activity, Biology, Genetics
Scientific Method Templates - Perfect for Basic Science Experiments
Research, Science, Basic Science, Elementary, Homeschool Resources, Not Grade Specific, Pre-K, Experiments, Activities, Labs
This super basic Scientific Method Template is perfect for getting kids started with the scientific method and for teaching them about scientific research. There are two versions of the template, one with cute pictures and one without pictures. This template can and has been used for all ages up to high school and even adults for basic in-home and at school experiments. Not only could you use this template in the kitchen for food science and baking experiments, for example, comparing the different weights between baking flours, but you can use it for basic chemistry, physics, life science, and more. Kids can use it to jot their ideas down if they aren't sure what they want to do for their experiment or science research project. It is super easy to use and self-explanatory and would be a perfect brainstorming tool. pdf downloadable file, 2 usable pages with cover sheet. Minimal ink needed. Not age specific but may be especially useful for younger elementary and special education students. Also, for visual learners and kids who aren't reading yet (the template with the pictures tells the story without needing to read).
Author Homeschooling Dietitian Mom
Tags 1st Grade Science Experiments, 2nd Grade Science Experiments, 3rd Grade Science Experiments, Scientific Research Projects, Science Templates, Science Worksheets, Science Writing Prompts
Pressure, Volume, and Temperature – Lab Station Activity
Science, Chemistry, Grade 8, 9, 10, 11, Labs, Experiments, Activities
Pressure, Volume, and Temperature – Lab Station Activity This dynamic teaching resource designed for middle and high school physical science students brings the classroom to life with interactive activities revolving around pressure-volume-temperature laws. Key Highlights: Station tasks exploring Archimedes' Principle, Avogadro’s Law, Boyle’s Law, Charles's Law and Ideal Gas Law Inclusive lab recording sheets (passports) for documenting observations or answers Activity cards that can be placed around your classroom to turn it into a miniature laboratory Included answer keys for efficient progress tracking and immediate feedback The distinct features of this resource promote an active learning environment. Students are propelled towards collaborative discussions thereby solidifying their understanding of the involved principles. A highlight of added fun: To increase interaction in a less formal setting while ensuring that no learner is left out; two full-time activities—a word scramble and word search are provided. Ready-made answer keys make grading a breeze! Tailored Flexibility: This product fits perfectly into various teaching strategies without straining resources—whether you plan whole-group communal activities or divide students into smaller groups for methodical task completion under your guidance. Towards Promoting Lifelong Learning: The hands-on experience gained from scientific explorations encourages inquiry-based learning. The successful integration in numerous teaching styles aims at fostering engagement which sparks their curiosity paving way for lifelong learners! An essential tool catering not just to public school teachers but homeschooling parents seeking effective teaching aids as well. Digital & Printable Formats: Available in different file types for easy access across digital platforms. It proves proficient for Grade 8-11 science students boosting their comprehension of pressure, volume and temperature thereby enhancing scientific literacy. Experience the joy of teaching with this interactive lab station activity that challenges student understanding and intrigues young minds!
Author Teach With Fergy
Tags Pressure, Volume, Temperature, Lab Station Activity, Active Learning
Types of Bonds – Lab Station Activity
Science, Chemistry, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Labs, Experiments, Activities
Types of Bonds – Lab Station Activity Types of Bonds – Lab Station Activity is a dynamic learning resource designed for educators teaching Grades 9 to 12 Chemistry . It offers an engaging approach to educating students about various types of bonds through hands-on exploration and active participation. About The Activity Rather than standard one-dimensional lessons, this activity prompts students to move around the room, visiting different stations. Each station provides a unique method for understanding the topic. These methods include: Drawing or constructing models, Researching specific questions related to electricity production sources, Forming opinions on pertinent issues and expressing them in writing, Reading articles that link theory with real-world applications, and Finding answers through multiple-choice questions. The main aspects considered during this activity encompass these eight critical themes: Reweable Sources; Non-renewable Sources; Fossil Fuels; Nuclear Power; Solar Power; ;nd; Hycroelectric power; ; > fully chosen tongetsumontextualize whatuir Learing in a tangible manner ensures no student energy is wasted but continually augmented. Conclusion Therefore,, integrate Type of Bonds – Lab Statio Activity iy your eaching, tt’sthan efrectve nedhod o addressing scientific facts about bonds with a kyeyemphasis on independent thinking creative exploration and collaborative learning.
Author Teach With Fergy
Tags Bonds, Chemistry, Lab Activity, Renewable Sources, Energy Production
Science Action Labs Earth Science
Science, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Earth Sciences, Grade 1, 2, 3, Labs, Experiments, Activities
Science Action Labs Earth Science A practical teaching resource, Science Action Labs Earth Science , aims to stimulate the natural curiosity of young learners and expose them to the marvels of our planet. It emphasizes exploration and discovery through hands-on activities that deepen 1 st to 3 rd graders' understanding of Earth science concepts. About The Resource: The material encompasses 64 printable PDF pages . The pages are rich with diverse experiments and activities focusing on key subjects such as continents, earthquakes, Earth's air, water, soil as well as its motion and layers. The flexibility of these activities is extensive. You can either carry out whole group sessions or assign small group tasks each with distinct exercises that foster teamwork and creativity among students. Bonus Feature: The added review quizzes serve as effective tools for progress assessment letting educators evaluate student comprehension levels on newly learnt topics with ease. Versatile Application: This educational tool’s versatility makes it perfect for structured class lessons or homework assignments while also offering potential enhancements to an existing earth science curriculum. Its flexible usage fosters increased engagement levels leading to improved academic performance over time. Ease Of Access: You can readily access this resource kit in PDF format which offers convenient dissemination without compromising quality. In Summation... This pragmatic approach offered by our earth science exploration kit bridges knowledge acquisition with actual hands-on experiences delivering a holistic learning journey. This integrated learning experience could spark potential Geologists or Meteorologists within your class paving the way towards creating scientific explorers one lab activity at a time.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags Science Labs, Earth Sciences, Art Challenge, Flying Into Space, Moon Facts
Proteins and Nucleic Acids – Lab Station Activity
Science, Chemistry, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, Labs, Experiments, Activities
Proteins and Nucleic Acids - Lab Station Activity An interactive resource for Grade 7-10 teachers enabling students to dive deep into the world of Thermoregulation. Extremely engaging with several elements: Drawing or building challenges. Online research questions. Space for expressing opinion writings on temperature regulation topics. Inclusive rest stations inbetween tasks. Note: These activities are designed so that they stimulate higher-order thinking, linking academic concepts with real-life applications. Assessment Components The lab activity also includes targeted assessments such as: Multiple Choice Questions: Providing thoughtful explanations behind their chosen solutions. Mastership Task: A station where they create two multiple-choice questions from true/false categories and a short answer query inclusive of supplying accurate answers as well. The entire lab activity is seamless for instructors; printing cards and scattering them around the learning space is all it takes. A supplied answer key adds convenience during assessment phases. Bonus Activities! To keep the engagement lively, this resource offers bonus games like a word scramble puzzle and a word search game ensuring no room for idle intervals among learners. Fruitful Knowledge Outcomes & Future Topics The resource is dedicated towards achieving solid understanding about Thermoregulation processes in living organisms while future planned topics cover broader scientific concepts including: Caveat: - Exploring Carbohydrates & Lipids. - Understanding Enzymes & Metabolism. - And many other topics spanning Ecosystems till Chemical Reactions under Chemistry realm. The Proteins and Nucleic Acids - Lab Station Activity , a teacher’s delight for enriching student's learning journey in the field of science.
Author Teach With Fergy
Tags Thermoregulation, Ectotherms, Endotherms, Metabolic Responses, Assessments
Work and Energy – Lab Station Activity
Science, Physics, Grade 8, 9, 10, 11, Labs, Experiments, Activities
Work and Energy - Lab Station Activity An engaging teaching resource designed for high school physics students that focuses primarily on work, energy, forces, and friction. Its main goal is to facilitate active learning through interactive tasks. Activity Overview This resource offers a lab activity comprising multiple stations. Each station presents different testing methods such as: Answering questions drawn from readings or videos. Sharing personal opinions on specific topical issues. Diagram creation activities . The aim is to introduce students to different approaches to understanding and applying key concepts related to work and energy. Included Activities: 'Research tasks' : Utilizing devices or classroom computers for data gathering. 'Written expression' : Elucidating thoughts on theoretical issues via written communication. 'Connect-the-Dot Readings': Merging theoretical concepts with practical real-life situations. 'Test Your Knowledge': A mixture of multiple-choice questions with requests for written explanations justifying the chosen answers. To maximize class time efficiency, bonus word search or word scramble tasks have also been included which could serve as an additional source of marks when properly utilized. The ultimate objective ensuring every student finds something beneficial during the lesson without idle moments. Ease of Preparation: The resources are ready-to-use – simply print the cards provided in the download pack, place them around the classroom strategically for task initiation. An answer key provided within this package facilitates easy assessment. Value Beyond the Lab: The station cards extend beyond just lab activities – they can also be used as study materials before tests or quizzes to stimulate students' interest and improve retention and overall performance. Summary In a nutshell, for educators seeking versatile resources that focus not only on content, but on delivery methods that cater to all types of learners, Work and Energy - Lab Station Activity is certainly a resource worth considering.
Author Teach With Fergy
Tags Work, Energy, Forces, Friction, Lab Activity, Work Power And Energy Lab
Plate Tectonics – Lab Station Activity
Science, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Environmental Science, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, Labs, Experiments, Activities
Plate Tectonics Lab Station Activity engages students through hands-on learning. This editable high school earth science resource teaches key concepts like tectonic plates, plate boundaries, earthquakes, major plates, seafloor spreading, and more. Students rotate through 9 stations, including: drawing models, conducting research, writing opinions, reading applicability passages, answering comprehension questions, watching expert video clips, creating their own multiple choice questions, and catching up on previous work. Bonus vocabulary puzzles ensure continued engagement. This activity works for whole group, small group, or independent work. The no-prep format means simply print, set up, and implement.
Author Teach With Fergy
Tags Earth, Plates, Continental, Earthquakes, Lab Station, Plate Tectonics Lab Worksheet Answer Key, Plate Tectonics Hands On Activity, Plate Tectonics Lab Answer Key, Hands-on Plate Tectonics Activities, Plate Tectonics Activity, Plate Tectonics Lab Answers, Plate Tectonics Activity Answer Key
Easter Chemistry Bunting – Color, Decorate & Learn Chemical Elements
STEM, Science, Chemistry, Physics, Life Sciences, Biology, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Activities, Worksheets & Printables, Banners, Classroom Decor, Bulletin Boards, Door Decor, Posters, Labs, Experiments, Drawing Templates & Outlines
Easter Chemistry Bunting A Creative Way to Learn the Periodic Table! 🐰🔬🎨 Every year, I like to add a bit of seasonal fun to my classroom. But instead of just decorating, why not make it educational too ? That’s why I created this Easter-themed chemistry bunting —a simple but effective way to help students get familiar with the periodic table while being creative . Each pennant features an element’s symbol, name, and atomic number . Instead of memorizing, students color and decorate while naturally recognizing the elements they see every day . It’s low prep for you , fun for them, and adds a nice science-themed touch to your classroom! 🌟 What Makes This So Useful? ✔ Students are learning without even realizing it – They’ll see the elements daily, making them easier to remember . ✔ A great mix of science and creativity – Not just a decoration, but also an interactive classroom activity . ✔ No complicated prep – Just print, color, cut, and hang . ✔ Works for different ages – Ideal for chemistry, STEM, or general science . ✔ Perfect for individual or group work – Let students personalize their elements ! 📌 What’s Included? 📜 127 Printable Pennants , featuring: ✔ All 118 main group elements ✔ Element name, symbol, and atomic number 🎨 Bonus: Extra Easter-Themed Pennants – Just for fun! 🖨 Black-and-White Format – Great for coloring and personalizing . 🎨 How to Use It 1️⃣ Print the pennants. 2️⃣ Let students color & decorate their element. 3️⃣ Cut them out and decide how to display them. 4️⃣ Hang them up – either as a bunting or pinned to the board. 💡 Try this: Assign each student an element and have them share one cool fact about it with the class! 🐣 Why Teachers Love It ✔ "I love that it gets students involved in decorating the classroom while reinforcing chemistry!" ✔ "They actually asked about elements while coloring – win-win!" ✔ "Easy to set up, fun, and looks great in my lab!" 🔬 A Simple Way to Make Chemistry Fun! Want to add some springtime energy to your science lessons without extra work ? This bunting is an easy way to mix creativity with learning —perfect for chemistry labs, classrooms, and bulletin boards . 🚀 Print, color, and hang—it’s that easy! 📍 Best wishes, Heike from Lernfitness Did You Know? I teach with a certified therapy dog , and together we create a positive and inspiring learning environment . 🐶✨
Author Lernfitness
Tags Chemistry, Lab, Biology, Laboratory Equipment, Lab Tools, Physics, Bunting, Pennant Banner, Classroom Banner, Chemical Elements
Tiger Rising STEM Experiment + STEM Project for Grades 4, 5, 6
Science, Technology, Engineering, STEM, Grade 4, 5, 6, Experiments, Activities, Projects, Diagrams, Teacher Tools, Graphic Organizers, Rubrics
This hands-on activity combines creativity and problem-solving as students design and build a tower for the safety of the tiger in the novel, Tiger Rising. Perfect for integrating literature and science, this challenge encourages students to apply engineering principles using simple materials while fostering teamwork and critical thinking. What’s Inside This Resource: Student Letter : A letter from Rob Horton introduces the challenge, linking the story to a real-world engineering task. Design Loop Graphic : A visual students can attach to their science journals, serving as a step-by-step guide throughout the activity. Detailed Instructions : Choose to print the guide as a packet or have students record each stage in their journals for an interactive experience. Teacher Tips : Practical guidance for crafting a clear problem statement with time constraints, materials, and success criteria tailored to your classroom. Skills Your Students Will Build: ✔ Problem-Solving : Identify obstacles and create inventive solutions. ✔ Engineering Design : Navigate the design loop—plan, construct, test, and refine. This page can easily be enlarged for a classroom poster. ✔ Critical Thinking : Assess their prototype’s performance and pinpoint ways to enhance it. ✔ Teamwork : Collaborate effectively to accomplish shared goals. Versatile Classroom Application: Whether as guided instruction or part of an integrated literature and science unit, this STEM activity encourages students to think creatively, document their process, and meet science and engineering standards. The rubric included is based on engineering concepts, but can also be used as a nonfiction writing rubric for cross-curricular options. Why Educators Love This Resource: ⭐ “My students were fully engaged, combining their passion for reading with STEM!” ⭐ “Simple to set up and encourages creativity and teamwork.” ⭐ “A seamless connection between literature and science for cross-curricular learning!” Encourage your students to provide a safe haven for the tiger (and Rob and Sistine?) and experience the excitement of engineering with this standards-aligned STEM adventure!
Author Kel's Klass
Tags 4th Grade Science Project, 4th Grade Science Experiment, 5th Grade Science Project, 5th Grade Science Experiment, 6th Grade Science Project, 6th Grade Science Experiment, Engineering Diagram, Science Graphic Organizer, Science Rubric, Tiger Rising
Life and Death of Stars – Lab Station Activity
Science, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Space, Grade 8, 9, 10, Labs, Experiments, Activities
Life and Death of Stars Lab Station Activity Dive into the life cycle of stars with this engaging lab station activity . Students will rotate through 9 stations, each offering a unique way to explore concepts like stellar life cycles, types of stars, the H-R diagram, stellar nucleosynthesis, and more. Activities range from creative tasks to research questions to knowledge checks. Word scrambles and searches ensure students stay busy. Almost no prep required - just print and go. Covers key ideas in stellar astronomy through varied formats for enhanced engagement and learning. Useful as an introductory or review activity for middle and high school physical science and physics. Provides an exciting hands-on complement to any unit on space science.
Author Teach With Fergy
Tags Stars, Life Cycle, Elements, Astronomy, Lab Station, Stars Activity
Density and Buoyancy – Lab Station Activity
Science, Chemistry, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, Labs, Experiments, Activities
Density and Buoyancy – Lab Station Activity An instructional resource crafted for grade 7-10 classrooms , this activity provides an explorable environment where learners can understand and apply principles of density and buoyancy. Mass, volume, density calculations, measurements, and the behaviors of different dense objects are key topics reinforced. A versatile tool suitable for homeschoolers as well. Promotes active interaction within student groups through hands-on tasks and multimedia components. The Unique Lab Station Arrangement Each of the seven stations offers a different task: " Get Hands-On"" station - introduces drawing or building exercises. "Research station" - equips students with a computer or device for online research. "Explain Yourself" station - encourages critical thinking as students express their opinions in paragraph form based on researched facts. Bonus Activities Included! A word scramble and word search keep mind active without heavy academic rigor reliance alone. These stimulate continual learning while helping manage pacing across activities. Incorporation into Conventional Educational Scenarios: This lab station activity fits effortlessly into school-based instruction scenarios or home-bound instruction settings – be it group sessions in classrooms small-group settings amongst peers or homework assignments. This remarkable tool nurtures scientific minds by fostering a deeper understanding of density and buoyancy further.
Author Teach With Fergy
Tags Density, Buoyancy, Lab Station, Hands-on Activity, Scientific Experiments
Scientific Method - Lab Station Activity
Science, Basic Science, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Labs, Experiments, Activities
Scientific Method - Lab Station Activity This lab station activity allows students to apply their understanding of the scientific method by moving around the classroom and working with peers. Stations focus on creating hypotheses and procedures, identifying variables, analyzing data and drawing conclusions, and formulating testable questions. The varied format facilitates unique learning and assessment opportunities. Typically 2-3 stations are graded per group in a 30-minute timeframe. Stations work well for introducing or reviewing the scientific method in middle and high school science classrooms. This general science resource can be adapted for use in chemistry, physics, biology, and other branches when customized hypotheses and testable questions are generated.
Author Teach With Fergy
Tags Lab Safety, Science Safety, Classroom Lab Safety, Lab Safety Lab Station, Lab Station Activity