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French: National Day/ Bastille Day- Article and worksheet

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Grade 10, 11, 12



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About This Product

In this resource file, you will find an article explaining the celebration of the French National Day, along with a worksheet containing 3 activities linked to the article , as well as an extra video comprehension activity. These activities are aimed at intermediate to advanced learners of French.

The article is structured in 3 parts:

paragraph 1- Difficile: C'est quoi la fête nationale?

paragraph 2- Plus difficile: Comment est-elle célébrée?

paragraph 3- Son histoire et son origine

Each of the three activities from the worksheets refers to a specific paragraph:

Activity 1- Find the French equivalent in the first paragraph

Activity 2: Read the second paragraph and answer if the statements are True or False

Activity 3: Read the third paragraph and answer the questions in French

Extra activity: Watch the video and complete the transcript

A version of the worksheet with answers is also provided.

A Powerpoint presentation is included with sections of the article, link to the video, activities and answers, should you wish to project these on your board.

The article and video are also available on my blog, if you want to check it out:


La célébration principale débute le matin à Paris. Un grand défilé militaire se déroule sur les Champs Élysées, devant le Président de la République. On joue l’hymne national de la France, La Marseillaise, un chant patriotique de la Révolution française. Il existe d’autres défilés militaires ailleurs dans le pays, principalement dans les grandes villes. Le soir, des bals et des concerts sont organisés, suivis d’un feu d’artifice. Les bals les plus populaires sont ceux des pompiers.

What's Included

1 zip file with:

-3 PDFs

-3 Word docs

-1 PowerPoint

Resource Tags

celebration packet French celebration National Day French holidays French lesson

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