Geometry: Triangles & Pyramids - FLASH-MAC

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Grade 3, 4, 5

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About This Product

Geometry: Triangles & Pyramids - FLASH-MAC

Geometry: Triangles & Pyramids - FLASH-MAC is a professionally structured educational resource, specifically designed for teachers and catering to students in Grades 3, 4, and 5. This tool offers tremendous support to math educators in refining their instruction on geometric concepts with a focus on triangles and pyramids.

An All-Encompassing Teaching Aid

This curriculum tool adopts a complete approach towards geometry instruction. The course begins with a Pre-assessment module, assisting teachers in gauging the pre-existing understanding of these basic shapes among the students. Educators can leverage this information to align their math teaching closer to their students' individual skills enhancing learning efficiency.

Lending helping hand first off is an elaborate lesson plan detailing instructions for engaging geometric lessons Further making things interesting, practical word problems link abstract mathematical concepts from real-world examples stimulating learners’ interest along with effective comprehension.

Innovating Learning Techniques

  • Timed drill activities: These enhance student’s quick-thinking capabilities flagging importance of mathematical speed.
  • Educational games: Features like Memory Match Games Board Games Spindle Games embed fun into learning while solidifying understanding of mathematical concepts.
  • Bilingual Instructional Design: English/Spanish voice over texts makes this product versatile suiting various linguistic classrooms aiding experience for native speakers or learners seeking multi-language proficiency via Geometry subject.

    Evaluation and Resourceful Math Tools Provided

    This software has SMART Response assessments enabling tutors evaluate student progress quickly identifying areas needing extra attention While reducing grading time providing immediate feedback As an added value Geoemtry dependent "math-tools" are embedded streamlining problem-solving journey for students.

    Flexible Inclusion

    Tutors can integrate FLASH-MAC across wide range of teaching methodologies complementing unique strategies during whole group sessions, small group lectures or individual homeworks turning it from merely a teaching solution into becoming an essential companion of proactive learning instantaneously.

What's Included

Contains 1 Product File

Resource Tags

Software (Mac)

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