"Guess Who?" Functions and Graphs Guessing Game

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Math, Algebra


Grade 8



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Guess Who? Functions and Graphs Guessing Game

The Guess Who? Functions and Graphs Guessing Game is an innovative teaching resource designed to review 8th-grade function standards. It employs core Common Core Standards curriculum, providing an intellectually stimulating environment for the deep understanding of algebraic concepts.

Core Mathematical Principles

  • Definition and function of rules assigning single outputs to each input
  • Interpretation of linear equations, such as y=mx+b
  • Qualitative description of functional relationships via graph analysis
  • Distinguishing between increasing or decreasing functions
  • Differentiating linear from non-linear components

This educational game learners distinguishes itself with its flexibility. Available in three versions, it can be utilized as a PowerPoint presentation for whole-class sessions or printed out in card sheets for smaller groups or math centers.

Versatility & Engagement with Different Versions:

    PowerPoint Version:: Ideal for quick opening exercises.
    The Partner Version: Enhances mathematical discourse among students during center time.
Furthermore, the game isn't limited to just teaching functions but also takes students deeper into other related areas. Incorporated topics include:
  • Linear & Nonlinear Functions Card Sort Activity
  • Slope Y-Intercept Card Games (Rate of Change & Initial Value Matching)
For teachers who believe in engaging tools while covering critical algebra content, the educational resource offers tremendous value –turning routine lessons into interactive learning experiences. Moreover, restricted licensing requirements simplify sharing content – keeping education seamless without distractions. Ideal for 8th Grade Mathematics, this useful addition is a must-have in every educator's teaching arsenal!.

What's Included

Perfect for whole class or math centers during review, this product has THREE different ways it can be used!

1) Whole Class: PowerPoint version of the "Guess Who?" game board for a 10-15 minute opening or closing!

2) Partners: Cards sized to fit three different versions of the "Guess Who?" game boards (by Hasbro gaming) perfect for math centers!

3) Partners: Card sheets can also be printed out and laminated or used with a sheet protector; students can use a dry erase marker to eliminate their choices if you do not own a "Guess Who?" gaming set!

Resource Tags

functions graphs guessing game algebra interactive functions game

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