How Big Are My Feelings-An SEL Lesson On The Size Of Feelings

About This Product

In this SEL resource, you will receive a 9-slide story about a cat and dog named Ginger and Koko. Throughout the story, students will be prompted to share how Ginger and Koko feel and how big their feelings are. There is animation on slides 2,4,5 and 9. There is a brain break on slide 2. There is also a pink cute hidden mouse on each slide so students can also have fun hunting for the mouse and commenting on the mouse's expression if they wish. There are 2 color handouts. One is for using as a reference throughout the story. The students can look at the handout that has both Ginger and Koko on it and see the different sizes of feelings such as happy, angry, scared, and sad. There is another feeling unlabeled as some students might think of a different one. The other handout is for students to fill out based on their own feelings that day and the size of their feelings.

Once you download the product, there is a PDF with access to the Google Slides story and the second page is directions for the lesson. The link will ask you to make a copy, please click yes. The other PDF contains the color handouts for during the story and for after. This resource is appropriate for grades kindergarten, first and second.

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Resource Tags

sel social emotional learning size of feelings school counseling special education social skills self-management self-awareness handouts

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