How to Write An Essay: What Is an Informative Essay? - FLASH-MAC

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About This Product

Teaching Resource Overview: "How to Write An Essay: What Is an Informative Essay? - FLASH-MAC"

This teaching resource is aimed at aiding educators in their mission of imparting crucial essay-writing skills, with a focus on informative essays which are significant parts of Language Arts.

Content and Features

  • The courseware includes a chapter mini that provides curriculum-based content. It offers:
    • Reading passages
    • 'Before you read' and 'after you read' questions that foster critical thinking
  • Numerous supporting documents for further reinforcement:
        Vocabulary flashcards: Excellent recapitulation resources inducing vocabulary retention among learners.
        Interactive activities:Aimed at solidifying learned concepts through practice while also bringing fun into learning.
        Puffprintables: These facilitate convenience by allowing printing only when necessary.
        A well-structured graphic organizer: Helps understand how arguments flow seamlessly from introduction through body paragraphs to conclusion.
  • Suitability for various learning scenarios including:
      - Whole group sessions for collaborative learning - Small group activities according individual learner attention - Homework assignment providing individual practice opportunity.
    • Synchronisation with Common Core State Standards ensuring alignment with recognised educational objectives across various states and regions. Posting this will assist any instructor who aims to enhance writing skills within their students, specifically in Grade 5, Grade 6, or upper middle school grades like Grade 7 and Grade 8. The focus of this F.L.A.S.H-MAC tool is on informative essays. Please ensure that your device is suitable for a MAC compatible product file before fully accessing its features and benefits!

What's Included

Contains 1 Product File

Resource Tags

Software (Mac)

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