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Instagram Summary and Post Activity Templates

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Instagram Summary and Post Activity Templates

The Instagram Summary and Post Activity Templates is an innovative teaching resource that combines the allure of social media to make learning an engaging process. By turning academic content into riveting social media posts, it offers a creative deviation from conventional classroom practices..

These templates enable educators to conduct a range of educational exercises across all subjects, be it a language art lesson or history seminar. This indicates its remarkable flexibility making it an essential tool for any avant-garde teacher.

Impactful Instagram Post

One intriguing activity enabled by these templates is the "Impactful instagram post" where students are encouraged to symbolically 'snap' significant portions of assigned readings or articles illustrating their understanding or interpretation. This activity stimulates comprehensive evaluation and underlines what students consider vital in their studies.

Instagram Story Summary

"Instagram Story Summary" is another activity where students develop succinct summaries using four 'snaps'. They create visual illustrations before adding summaries at the back along with supporting textual evidence explaining its relevance. Promoting analytical skills while fostering creativity in presenting data visually.

Note:The design lacks specific direction enabling teachers to utilise them as they please; summarising articles, homework readings or even videos — truly adaptable to your unique teaching style! This encourages learners not only summarise but explain why chosen moments are important - great for perspective broadening. The package contains a PDF file that works perfectly with students from grade 6 through 12 but specifically dovetails with those focusing on creative writing under language arts. Digitally shareable via email or LMS makes this equally appropriate for group activities in traditional classroom settings as well as individual assignments for home-based learners. Prepare yourselves for refreshingly different lesson plans with The Instagram Summary and Post Activity Templates; a fusion of social media with education that arouses curiosity and enhances comprehension.

What's Included

1 PDF for the lessons.

Resource Tags

Engagement Interactive learning Social media Reading comprehension Critical analysis

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