Johannes Brahms – Picture and Text Flashcards
About This Product
Composer: Johannes Brahms – Picture and Text Flashcards
Language: English
This teaching material includes flashcards about the composer Johannes Brahms. The set contains a large picture card and several text cards. The text cards give short and clear information about his life and music.
Included topics on the cards:
Name of the composer
Dates of life: 1833–1897
Country of origin: Germany
Famous works: Hungarian Dances, A German Requiem
Instrument: piano
Childhood facts
Special facts (for example: very self-critical, destroyed his own works)
Quote: “Without music, everything would be silent.”
Each card presents one short topic. This helps students focus and understand easily.
How to use the material:
This material can be used in music lessons for elementary or middle school. It is also suitable for homeschool settings.
You can:
Use the cards for group discussions
Place them on a board as learning support
Let students match picture and text
Use them in stations or music history projects
The cards support visual and reading-based learning. They help students learn basic facts about Brahms in a simple and structured way.
Preparation steps:
Print the flashcards
Laminate if needed
Cut the cards
Optionally add magnetic tape to the back
For self-checking, you can fold and glue the picture behind the text card
Goal of the activity:
Students learn about the composer Johannes Brahms. They read short texts, organize information, and talk about what they know. The cards give a good introduction and can also be combined with flashcards about other composers.
The material is easy to use. No music knowledge is required. All you need is a printer.
This flashcard set helps to make music history accessible and interactive.