Kids Yoga Pose Cards

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About This Product

24 different kid-friendly yoga poses with instructions how to safely move the children into the poses. Plus, tips and tricks for the poses. These BRIGHT & ENGAGING kid's yoga pose cards designed to be versatile and can be used in a variety of kids yoga games and brain break activities. This set is great for both experienced children's yoga instructors and for teachers interested in learning how to start adding yoga & mindfulness into the classroom.

Poses Included: Boat Pose, Bow Pose, Butterfly Pose, Camel Pose, Candle Pose, Cat Pose, Chair Pose, Child’s Pose, Cow Pose, Crescent Moon Pose, Dancer Pose, Dog Pose, Easy Pose, Frog Pose, Gate Pose, Horse Pose, Lobster Pose, Mermaid Pose, Ragdoll Pose, Resting Pose, Snake Pose, Slide Pose, Surfer Pose, and Tree Pose

This resource is great for:

⭐ Children's Yoga Classes

⭐ Mindful Moments

⭐ Brain Breaks

⭐ Sensory & Movement Breaks

⭐ Gym Class

⭐ Transitions

⭐ Indoor Recess

⭐ Morning Group

⭐ Rainy Day Activities

⭐ Calm-Down Time

Physical Benefits of Yoga:

⛹ Helps Build Strength, Balance, and Coordination

⛹ Aides in Maintaining Flexibility

⛹ Relaxes and Helps Alleviate Stress

⛹ Teaches Children Self-Awareness

⛹ Increases Body Awareness & Overall Muscle Tone

⛹ Great for Warming-Up Before Sports

⛹ Helps Children Channel their Energy

Emotional & Mental Benefits of Yoga:

❤️ Increased Confidence

❤️ Encourages Mindfulness

❤️ Helps Steady Emotions, Reduce Anxiety & Stress

❤️ Teaches Self-Regulation & Calming Techniques

❤️ Non-Competitive & Non-Judgmental- Helps Kids feel Valued & Accepted

❤️ It’s All-Inclusive- Children Participate at their own Comfort Level  

❤️ Teaches Self-Discipline & Reduces Impulsivity

❤️ Helps Children Manage their Anxiety

❤️ Aides in Developing Emotional Regulation Skills

❤️ Enhances Children’s Memory & Concentration

❤️ Teaches Self-Acceptance

❤️ Helps Boosts Children’s Self-Esteem & Supports Positive Mental Health

Click here to check out more of my mindfulness, self-regulation, calming/coping skills, kid's yoga, and preschool teacher listings.

What's Included

What’s Included:

✨ 24 different poses with instructions how to move the children into the poses

✨ 24 labeled picture pose cards

✨ 24 unlabeled picture pose cards

✨ Decorative backs for the cards

Resource Tags

kids yoga yoga pose cards active movement cards yoga activities calming corner

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