Lesson 1.4 - Variables
About This Product
Lesson 1.4 - Variables
This comprehensive educational resource is tailored to help teachers educate young learners about the vital aspect of variables in scientific experiments. Designed with a focus on versatility, it can be used in different class settings such as whole group and small group discussions, or given as homework exercises.
The resource delves into independent variables, dependent variables and control variables. It provides understanding on how each variable type can be identified within the context of an experiment. Provided are two versions of notes sheets: one with blanks for direct student engagement and a completed version for absentee students or those needing additional support due to their unique learning conditions.
Involvement Activities
- Mini-poster activity: Students envisage their own experiments while identifying different types of variables involved.
- The Sample Worksheet: Aids in guiding them through this hands-on exercise.
- The Practice Sheet:To further practice identification of diverse variable types. There are two versions available catering for diverse student needs – making learning inclusive.
Presentation Materials
- PPT Notes:An engaging format easing class presentations plus objectives & starter questions strategically derived from the topic discussed. Note that greater value can be realized when this teaching aid is combined with lessons 1-5 plus binder divider test and quiz from unit one thus forming a more holistic approach towards understanding science fundamentals. All files come in .docx or .pptx formats which may require specific software like Microsoft Word or PowerPoint for use/editing. This tool caters mainly towards Grade 6-12 learners studying Science, specifically Chemistry and Physics subjects.
What's Included
Note: all files included in this resource come as a .docx file (or a .pptx file for PowerPoints) and a .pdf file. The .docx files may be edited to your preferences as long as you have a version of Microsoft Word or a similar word processor that supports the .docx file type. The .pptx files may be edited to your preferences as long as you have a version of Microsoft PowerPoint or a similar presentation software that supports the .pptx file type. The .pdf files are non-editable but can be opened using any PDF viewing software, like Adobe Reader. Please make sure you have software capable of opening and/or editing the files before purchasing and downloading.