Lesson 7.2 - The Periodic Table

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About This Product

Unit 7: The Atom & the Nucleus - Whole Unit Description

This resource provides educators with comprehensive materials for teaching atomic and nuclear concepts. Ideal for middle and high school science teachers handling chemistry and physics topics, these resources encourage fun, student-oriented instruction.

Subatomic Particles Lessons

The unit begins with lessons on three subatomic particles: proton, neutron, and electron. Included are '7.1 Atomic Structure Notes' which contain details about their properties and location within the atom.

  • A version complete with blanks for in-class participation
  • A filled-out version for reference

Interactive Practice Session

'7.1 Subatomic Particle Matching Practice' features printable cards with facts about each subatomic particle that students can group accordingly—perfect for group or paired activities.

Offline Learning Experience

'World's Smallest Movie Reading' assignment promotes independent exploration outside class hours through an IBM mini-movie created using stop-motion photography of individual atoms.

  • Brief summary writing exercise to improve recall plan attached.
PowerPoint Presentations:
  • Filled with Starter Questions
  • The Periodic Table notes touch briefly on history
  • Data from including an exciting scavenger hunt activity

    Nuclear Energy Lessons & Computer Simulations

    Sensational computer simulations bring construction of atoms or nuclear fission principles to life while promoting classroom collaboration. Various exercises foster:
    1. Critical thinking skills via assorted readings on nuclear energy pros/cons
    2. Navigating the various debates surrounding its use

    Mastery Test

    The comprehensive test with differing question types ensures understanding of all concepts discussed in this unit:
    1. True/False and matching questions
    2. Short essay questions

    A recovery quiz helps boost any underwhelming scores whilst also acting as an additional review process. All materials meet essential Integrated Chemistry & Physics State Standards beyond Indiana’s curricular requirements and are editable in .docx or.pptx formats for easy customization.

    *You should have a word processor that supports .docx file type and similar presentation software to support the .pptx format for accessing these files.
  • What's Included

    Note: all files included in this resource come as a .docx file (or a .pptx file for PowerPoints) and a .pdf file. The .docx files may be edited to your preferences as long as you have a version of Microsoft Word or a similar word processor that supports the .docx file type. The .pptx files may be edited to your preferences as long as you have a version of Microsoft PowerPoint or a similar presentation software that supports the .pptx file type. The .pdf files are non-editable but can be opened using any PDF viewing software, like Adobe Reader. Please make sure you have software capable of opening and/or editing the files before purchasing and downloading.

    Resource Tags

    subatomic particles atomic structure periodic table nuclear energy interactive simulations

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