Let's Chat Conversation Cards | "Bored, Get Creative!"

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About This Product
Let's Chat Conversation Cards for "Bored, Get Creative!" is a social-emotional learning resource that helps students develop a growth mindset. The cards facilitate meaningful conversations to strengthen friendships and perspectives. This specific set focuses on boredom and sparking creativity. It is one of many Let's Chat products available alongside matching signage. Data shows the trauma-informed Respectful Ways program, which includes these materials, improves GPAs, attendance, and behavior when implemented in schools. Educators can use the cards for whole-class, small group, or individual activities to target students' social-emotional needs identified by the program's school climate survey. The program integrates with multi-tiered systems of support and involves custom training by experts. For more information on implementing Respectful Ways to nurture compassion and responsibility contact Pam@RespectfulWays.com.
What's Included
1 zip file with:
8 PDFs
2 Word docs
- Printable Let's Chat cards
- The Promise Pledge
- one-page Lesson Plan
- Standards for American School Counselor Association and Common Core
- Printable student award
- Home Connects in English and Spanish
Resource Tags
SEL lesson plan
conversation cards
Respectful Ways
be creative
social emotional learning
character education
Let's Chat
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