Lucy Calkins Reading for 5th Grade | Unit 3: Argument + Advocacy

An educational teaching resource from Brook Creaser entitled Lucy Calkins Reading for 5th Grade | Unit 3: Argument + Advocacy downloadable at Teach Simple.
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ELA, Reading


Grade 5

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About This Product

Lucy Calkins Reading for 5th Grade | Unit 3: Argument + Advocacy

Discover the wealth of knowledge that your students can gain with this riveting educational resource created specifically for fifth-grade language arts and reading educators. It is appropriately named Lucy Calkins Reading for 5th Grade, primarily focusing on Unit 3: Argument + Advocacy.

This curriculum has been skillfully crafted to help teachers efficiently lead students through all pertinent elements concerning argumentation and advocacy. It incorporates daily exercises, emphasizing real-world situations fostering critical thinking. This tool proves profitable not only for educators in regular public schools but also serves as a guiding light to parents homeschooling their children.

  • Connections
  • Teaching points
  • Active engagements
  • Shares, Mid-workshop interruptions

Above are the key components included within this teaching material, which facilitates an enveloping learning experience.

The structure ensures continuity across each of the prescribed 21 sessions. Included homework tasks further reinforce concepts learned during class hours - creating opportunities for personalized learning at home or group projects among peers.

This curriculum resource is conveniently available in an easy-to-browse PowerPoint format, spreading over a hefty span of 270 slides full of informative and guided study activities carefully designed to bring your students one step closer towards proficiency in Language Arts each day.


Educators will find this product versatile enough when it comes to accommodating various teaching styles while maintaining strict adherence towards achieving intended curricular goals.

Your guide towards excellence in Language Arts - Lucy Calkins Reading for 5th Grade | Unit 3: Argument + Advocacy!

Capitalize now and equip yourself with this comprehensive package to aid your students in excelling in Language Arts with knowledge that lasts.

What's Included

270-slide PowerPoint

Resource Tags

argument advocacy reading curriculum critical thinking teaching resource

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