MATH PUZZLE - Joint the pieces - Numbers 1 to 10

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Math, Numbers





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About This Product

1. Introduction

Teaching fun math to children offers a wide variety of benefits for the development of students and our children. For this reason I have designed this valuable resource that will help your children learn the numbers from 1 to 10 in a didactic way.


Teaching mathematics offers benefits for the development of children and students, such as the following:

- Mathematics develops logical thinking: When a student develops mathematical problems, it requires the use of logical reasoning and skills to analyze situations.

- Mathematics helps develop and enhance problem-solving skills: Solving mathematical problems helps children develop skills to approach and overcome challenges in different areas of daily life.

- Mathematics helps improve memory: When students remember mathematical formulas, concepts and procedures, they will contribute to the development of their long and short-term memory.

- Mathematics will help strengthen abstract reasoning skills: Mathematics involves the use of very abstract concepts, which will help children and our students develop skills so that they begin to think in complex and even abstract terms.

- Mathematics will help improve general academic skills: These skills are interrelated and connected with other academic areas or topics such as technology, science and will strengthen the general performance of your students in school.

- Mathematics will help the development of social skills, since it will encourage your students to collaborate and work as a team, which will significantly improve their social skills.

3.Order, scheme and stages

- Introduce your math class with a relaxing song or a favorable dynamic.

- Now tell your students that they are going to do a fun activity with the numbers 1 to 10.

- Next, ask them to take out of their pencil case or folder of materials, their scissors, sheets of colored paper and glue to stick their pieces.

4.Grades or ages

This game is designed for children 5 to 6 years old, that is, children who are learning the first numbers from 1 to 10.

5. Form of application

It is suggested to print this product for 1 student. That is, this work is done individually.

It is recommended to print it in A4 format, and in color. Check that your printer has enough color ink.

Then ask your students in advance to have scissors, eraser, and colored sheets where they are going to assemble the 2-piece puzzle. It is also good that they have a trash can within reach so that they do not contaminate or dirty your classroom.

6. Answer keys

This game does not require answers.

7.Use text labels

math, math game, math games, math puzzle, math activities, first numbers, numbers from 1 to 10.


Specified above.

9.File types

The archive is in PDF format.

10.Number of pages

This document contains 6 pages.

Resource Tags

math numbers puzzle math puzzle numbers 1 to 10 math games

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