Measurement: Volume & Surface Area - Learn the Skill - FLASH-PC

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About This Product

Measurement: Volume & Surface Area - Learn the Skill - FLASH-PC Resource

The Measurement: Volume & Surface Area - Learn the Skill - FLASH-PC resource is a software tool created explicitly for educating students in grades 3 to 5 about measurements. This user-friendly software provides curriculum-driven content and easy-to-use math tools.

Interactive Learning Experience

With this tool, students can explore volume and surface area of measurements in an engaging and interactive manner. The primary feature of the software are the real-world word problems under 'learn-the-skill', where students can practice their measurement skills within authentic contexts. This makes learning memorable as well as relatable.

Dual-Language Accessibility

  • The software is designed with dual-language accessibility, defaulting to English but offering Spanish as an alternative. Teachers can quickly switch between these languages according to student preferences or needs.

Alignment with educational standards

This product aligns with Common Core State Standards (CCSS), STEM initiatives, and conforms to National Council of Teachers Mathematics (NCTM) approved frameworks.

Flexible Implementation Across Teaching Scenarios
  1. The instrument proves useful in whole-group instruction introducing new concepts on the board at ease.
  2. In differentiated small group work facilitating peer-learning experiences this tool promptly aids educators without difficulty.
  3. Giving homework assignments becomes simpler when classroom teachings are reinforced via it comfortably at home.

Voice-over feature and Textual explanations:

  • Auditory Learners: The default English voice-over feature and textual explanations are aimed at aiding auditory learners by providing them with comprehensive language readable at grade level.
  • Visual Learners: This tool also proves useful to visual learners promoting reading proficiency and strengthening comprehension across various student abilities.

In conclusion, this tool not only provides enriching lesson plans but also aids in versatile deliverability modes, making it valuable both inside and beyond the boundaries of classrooms.

What's Included

Contains 1 Product File

Resource Tags

Software (PC)

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