Number & Operations: Decimals - Addition & Subtraction - Learn the Skill - FLASH-PC
About This Product
Number & Operations: Decimals - Addition & Subtraction - Learn the Skill - FLASH PC
This product is an exemplary teaching resource, designed to educate students in grades 3-5 on the quintessential skills of adding and subtracting decimals, a critical component in Number and Operations of Math.
About The Product:
- The product provides a comprehensive chapter mini that presents curriculum-based content in a user-friendly format primarily focusing on real-world word problems to reinforce practical learning experiences.
- In addition to conventional teaching methods, it consists of supportive math tools that help teachers and homeschoolers intensify the learning objectives using interactive components.
- To ensure no learner is left behind due to language constraints, this tool not only offers English voice over and text but also Spanish equivalents thus making itself universally accessible.
- The educational content snugly aligns with internationally accredited standards hence confidently meeting the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) demands.
- Beyond aligning with CCSS, this technology-enhanced tool supports STEM initiatives by constructing its detailed content according to National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), thereby ensuring holistic coverage from every angle.
Educational Standards Alignment:
Favoring STEM Initiatives:
This product takes the form as software for PCs—accentuating usability by adapting user-friendly digital implementation bearing today's technological ambiance into consideration. Its flexibility enables use as part of whole-group instruction or division into smaller study circles or even assignment as individual homework tasks—an absolute fit for every teaching strategy. In summary; Number & Operations: Decimals - Addition & Subtraction - Learn the Skill amalgamates engaging curriculum content with an intuitive digital platform—the essential companion for successful academic progression for learners within grades 3-5.
What's Included
Contains 1 Product File