Number & Operations: Decimals - Addition & Subtraction - Practice the Skill 1 - PC Software

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About This Product

Number & Operations: Decimals - Addition & Subtraction - Practice the Skill 1

The Number & Operations: Decimals - Addition & Subtraction - Practice the Skill 1 - PC Software is a resource targeting educators in public schools or homeschooling environments. This tool enhances understanding of adding and subtracting decimals for students, especially grades 3 to 5.

Main Features

  • This software presents timed drill activities centered around curriculum-based mini-chapters.
  • It enhances cognitive skills by giving students problems involving decimal addition and operations, boosting their mathematical practice skills.
  • In addition to exercises, it also provides integrated math tools which add value to the learning experience.
    • Multilingual Support

      A remarkable feature of this software is its Multilingual support – English and Spanish text along with voice-overs,. This means that a wider audience can benefit from it without language acting as a barrier but instead aiding smooth instruction process.

      "The comprehensive teaching platform has been designed keeping strict educational norms in accordance with Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and National Council Of Teachers Of Mathematics (NCTM)."

      Firm adherence to STEM initiatives underlines the creation of innovative thinkers capable of solving real-world issues through scientific practices, technology utilization, mathematics while complying with necessary standards – an optimal choice for teachers aiming for concrete foundational concept development among learners.

      Simplicity And Flexibility

      The very fact that Number & Operations: Decimals - Addition & Subtraction-Practice The Skill 1 is PC supported software packed as a zip file makes it easily accessible across varied platforms without causing any compatibility issue.

      This arrangement gives educators the freedom to integrate the tool in various instruction approaches - large group classes or intimate small groups addressing specific decimal related concepts on their terms or even as a possible homework assignment. Giving students continual access prompts continual engagement and plenty of practice even beyond school hours!


      No matter whether you're from a public school scenario or a homeschooling parent, this program is an adaptable resource for encouraging learning in an engaging and efficient way. Offering students the opportunity to regularly practice essential math skills ensures that they are well-equipped for future mathematical endeavors.

What's Included

1 zip file with PC software

Resource Tags

math skills digital math digital decimals decimals activity operations

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