Number & Operations: Fractions - Addition & Subtraction - Learn the Skill - PC Software

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Number & Operations: Fractions - Addition & Subtraction - Learn the Skill - PC Software

A valuable teaching tool for mathematics educators, this software targets students primarily in grades 3 to 5. It offers practical exercises on adding and subtracting fractions which are key aspects of the number and operations subject.

  • This resource provides real-world word problems that help students understand these complex mathematical abilities while applying those skills to life beyond the classroom.
  • The focus is on comprehension through traditional text-based tutorials with voice overs in English and Spanish.
  • The software also incorporates interactive math tools.

These teaching aids are adaptable for different instructional scenarios. They could be used in a whole-group classroom setting, for differentiated instruction within small groups, or as homework tasks aiming at reinforcing learned concepts. This flexibility is beneficial for your lesson planning process.

Standard Adherence & Relevance

Evidently precision has been prioritized when constructing these resources as they align meticulously with Common Core State Standards (CCSS). In addition, our material stays relevant by developing them adhering closely to standards established by National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), acknowledging current STEM advancements and initiatives within education circles nationwide. Accessibility Easily accessible via a single zip file compatible with PCs enabling quick downloading and installation- this software promises optimal efficiency coordinating seamlessly into your tech-savvy classrooms or homeschooling scenarios alike. Ideal For...

  1. An experienced teacher looking- for new supplementary materials
  2. .
  3. A homeschooler seeking comprehensive curriculum- based modules. Specifications

Making strides in adding value to everyday lessons through innovative design; Number & Operations: Fractions - Addition & Subtraction - Learn the Skill- PC Software redefines mathematical learning one fraction at a time. Give your students a solid foundation in adding and subtracting fractions that will benefit them well beyond their formative years.

What's Included

1 zip file with PC software

Resource Tags

math lesson plans fractions lesson plan math skills digital math adding fractions

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