Number & Operations: Percentages with Fractions - Pre-Assessment & Teach the Skill - FLASH-MAC
About This Product
Number & Operations: Percentages with Fractions - Pre-Assessment & Teach the Skill by FLASH-MAC
Description:This leading teaching software product is instrumental for educators aiming to enhance student understanding of percentages that involve fractions. It is a part of the Number and Operations curriculum for Grades 3 to 5 and smartly combines pre-assessment exercises with an excellently crafted 'teach the skill' lesson plan.
Key Features:- Content sourced from Common Core State Standards and STEM initiatives, offering teachers a comprehensive suite of tools aimed at comprehending both the philosophy of percentages, along with practical application using fractions.
- Carefully crafted guidelines that fulfill NCTM standards, allowing easy incorporation of contained lessons into any existing Math plans.
- Bilingual support including English and Spanish voice overs as well as text, accommodating multilingual classrooms for inclusive learning experiences.
- An ideal resource designed specifically for MAC systems, offering flexibility in delivery whether it's group instruction or smaller supervised groups exploring fraction-related percentage problems. Great for homework assignments too, where students explore concepts independently
In a nutshell, this software resource stands out not just as another addition in your teaching resources but rather serves as an effective pedagogical supplement focused on delivering efficient math education while nurturing inclusive learning atmospheres—irrespective of student's preferred learning style or educational setting like public school system or homeschooling setup.
What's Included
Contains 1 Product File