Number of the Day - 2 Digit Place Value

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Preschool, Grade 1



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About This Product

Introducing: The Number of the Day - 2 Digit Place Value

This teaching resource brings together education with a daily surprise. It invites Kindergarten and Grade 1 students to interact with maths in a fun and practical way.

Product Features

The product contains a packet that includes two pages of number sense activities focusing on the numbers 1-100. Specifically crafted for teachers psyched about holistic learning, it addresses various key components of math such as:

  • Foundational number sense
  • Place values

In the packet, there is also a chart to assist students in writing number names, providing constant visual support crucial for young learners.

Detailed Worksheets

To spur exciting discussions around the Number of the Day are high engaging worksheets. These challenge students to:

  1. Tally interpretation and base-ten blocks usage
  2. Hundred's charts utilization
  3. Understanding numerical representations using expanded form
  4. Prediction of patterns using number lines
Note:The worksheets not only boost place value knowledge but also reinforce critical thinking skills by integrating different forms of representation into each exercise—from abstract numerals to concrete images.

If you're an educator either homeschooling or teaching within a standard classroom setting this versatile set can adapt itself perfectly for varied instruction methods—whole-group demo or break-out sessions—or even as individual assignments like night homework exercises!

Digital Download Availability Amenities

All educational materials come through digital download (PDF format)—an eco-friendly solution without any shipping hassle. This translates into more streamlined lesson planning! Capitalise on the Number of the Day - 2 Digit Place Value as your choice maths instruction tool today!

What's Included

Number Words Chart

Number of the Day Place Value Worksheets

Resource Tags

numbers place value number sense worksheets math exercises

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