Phonics Strategies for 3rd & 4th Graders by Phonics Advantage Part 2
About This Product
Phonics Strategies for 3rd & 4th Graders Part 2 is a 375-page product designed for students in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade who are encountering advanced words in their educational and recreational reading, and need a program that goes beyond the beginning phonics building blocks.
Just as later elementary students are getting older and more mature, this program has a more grown-up look. To keep the student’s attention, concepts are presented with multiple approaches including listening skills, identifying, decoding, written work, hands-on activities, pronunciation and spelling rules, letter-tile activities, phonics poems and phonics games.
The phonogram types that are emphasized in Part 2 are: Vvc/Vvcc chunks, Vce chunks, and three and four-letter diphthong-vowel phonograms. There are hands-on activities for decoding words that end with ge/ve/ce/ze. 22 pages are devoted to advanced word endings (ture; ible/able; ous/ious/eous; tious/cious/scious; tial/cial/cian/science/cient, etc.). Worksheets on dividing words into syllables focus on three and four-syllable words.
To aid the teacher/parent/mentor in presenting the material, included in Phonics Strategies Part 2 are: List of Contents, Tips and Suggestions, Reasons for Selected Content, Suggested Use, Mentor Notes, Phonics Pretest and six Parent Letters. The top of each activity page has Goals and Directions. The program can be presented by a teacher, teacher assistant, parent or mentor.
Phonics Strategies for 3rd and 4th Graders is a mixture of phonics concepts and educational fun.